116. Assurance truth! Captain Yukito finds out the truth!

[Rescuing Ayuka: Arc 5]

'Henshin' a powerful technique which involves changing someone's Ginken and themselves. This strength is provided with incredible 'Spiritual Power', being one of the most difficult techniques to learn, it requires for a Ginkenian, Soul Caller or any other races to pressurize one Soul to their Ginken, one done so both Spirit and Aura combine into one, which might change someone's aura, depending on fusion. After the combination is set, the strength will sky-rocket, many Ginkenians cannot learn such technique, duo to low pressure of spirit and low strength.

Sometimes, 'Henshin' can be combined with another technique such as 'Spiritual Mode' for it to be more efficient, the technique's look will be considered after the inner Spirit of a Ginkenian and Ginken, when the pressure creates a barrier and insane aura, it will fully unlock such technique...

|Spiritual Realm - Society (Underground) - Wednesday, 3:15 p.m.|

"Let's see." Somewhere underground, Tim was quickly and easily charged. "Healed wound, wiped blood ...." Some sort of Ginkenian, saying this, slapped Tim lying on the floor and then checked his nose. "It looks fine ..." But, with Ginkenian saying, Tim opened his eyes and sat down quickly. "Whaaaaaah! Hey! Hey! Don't hurt me, don't hurt me !!!" Ginkenian called out and backed away. Looking around, Tim was lost. "Where the hell am I? What, and who are you?" Tim looked toward Ginkenian. "Ah! Ah! Uh! Uh! My name! My name is !!!! My name is Akihiro Ejiro! A member of the seventh clan, also a doctor in that clan! You heard please don't hurt me!" Tim was amazed on the floor and was very unamused. "Hey, calm down, did you do that?" Tim looked towards his hands as well as his legs and head. "Uhm .... yeah ... yeah .... I wrapped the bandages .... the captain of the seventh clan sent me in that direction ... for that .... I decided to help you... and Saraki. " As Akihiro looked away, so did Tim. "Hey, what's going on?" With that, Tim became even more unamused. "Saraki !? What the hell are you doing here ?!" Tim was still amazed.

"Just like you ... Akihiro brought me down to the underground tunnel ... and greeted me, you could thank him ..." Then Tim looked towards Akihiro. "Oh! Really, uh ... thanks, but why did you help me?" Tim asked with a strange face. "Uhm .... those were just my orders .... my captain .... Amagari Amamoto ..."

"Um, that ... didn't exactly help ..." Tim looked around now, sitting close to the water as if it were underground slurry. "Jesus, just be glad you're alive and that he found you on the ground, not someone else!" Saraki was cutting across the blade at which point Tim became a little scared. "What are you going to do, uh with that?" But Saraki said. "I'm just sharpening my sword, what's wrong with that?" Tim then said at that. "Maybe you should hone your brain ..." But with that, Saraki immediately became angry when a red mark appeared on his forehead. "WHAT SHOULD THAT MEAN, IDIOT ?!" With the main call, Tim leaned back, very unamused.

"Well .... you're a little dumb, instead of helping us, you were fighting me ..." With that, Tim and Saraki both started yelling at each other, and Akihiro was amazed when he listened to the shriek between them. "Um .... maybe ... maybe a little quieter so the others don't-" But at that, Tim and Saraki immediately turned to Akihiro. "Shut up!!" With a loud shout, they stopped while their voices echoed. "Okay!" With immediate and quick confirmation, Akihiro fell silent.

But, finally after a few minutes, it was over. "So what do you intend now? To accuse us of being down here, and that ten captains will be sent against me?" But Saraki spat out saliva. "If I wanted to do that, you'd have been caught a long time ago." Saraki continued to sharpen his sword, which he was in need to turn it back into a normal state as Tim broke it.

"Then what do you want?" Tim said with a question. "Nothing special ... to help and to FIX my sword!" At that, Saraki reached with his face, directly in front of Tim's, and frowned. "Seriously .... are you disappointed that your sword was destroyed?" With such a denial, Tim was thematically unamused.

"Well, it wasn't me who broke it, was it?" But Tim just rolled his eyes. "Whatever.... then, how are we supposed to get out of here?" With a question, Akihiro then uttered. "Oh! There are stairs up here where we can go back to surface, and don't worry, only our clan and you two now know about this tunnel, plus .... it's on our side, so other clans see it less often, they won't see us expected here. " But Tim scratched himself. "So .... what you're saying is, that ... that only your clan ... and, um .... Saraki and I know this now .... but .... why the hell, others don't know about this place? After all, didn't they build it, didn't they? " But, Tim didn't get an answer, just silence. "Seriously .... what are you kidding ..... seriously nothing? No words .... okay, why not .." Tim stood up. "Then let's go." But, Tim was stopped. "What ?!" Tim looked impatiently at Akihiro as his eyebrows fluttered from it.

"Uhm, do you even know where to go now?" Tim, however, confirmed. "Yeah, because this sir told me where." Saraki, sitting on the floor, regained the angry mark on his forehead. "I'm not 50 or over!" But, Tim ignored him. "Hey!" Saraki sighed at the call. "Yeah, but, you know ... that you must get through the staircase from the inside so you can cross the bridge between the buildings and then, follow the path forward, and climb to the top, and then quickly run to the 'execution cross.'" At what Tim was listening to, he had his arms crossed when he was still unamused. "So ???" "So! That means there's not much time. You'll still have to take a few steps back to the same place where you and Saraki fought." Tim sighed at that.

"How far then are we from here to there ??" Tim expected a normal response, but. "20 miles." At that, Tim almost vomited. "Isn't there a shortcut or something ?!" Saraki then looked towards Akihiro. "Akihiro .... you know these tunnels, don't you? Then there's also a greater chance it'll be closer through here, for Tim to approach there ..." At that, Akihiro nodded. "That's exactly why I stopped him .... I wanted to say that if we continue down here, we'll get there at the right time." Akihiro was smiling as he knelt on the floor.

"Okay, then we're behind you ...." With a smile, Akihiro stood up and turned in the other direction, and Saraki and Tim continued on their way.

|Spiritual Realm - Society (East) - Wednesday, 3:15 p.m.|

Codey secured the attack and threw his boomerang, but Yukito made an approach and swung his sword, which he also defended.

At this, Yukito then disappeared from the spot and surprised Codey, who immediately turned to the side, but Yukito appeared behind Codey's back and gave the next swing. Luckily, Codey bent down and then stretched out his right arm and cut over Yukito, against his head.

But Yukito quickly made a back approach and disappeared, at which point he reappeared in front of Codey and cut to the side, releasing an ice wave flying toward Codey. In doing so, Codey turned and stretched out his hand and threw a boomerang with a fast wind, in which the ice and the boomerang hit, along the flat the ice split in half due to the strong wind. Yukito then continued his swing and let go, a cold wind that was strong and also stopped Codey.

("Damn, cold ... and so strong ...") By thinking, Codey was necessarily covering with his right hand forward so he could cover his face. Yukito then quickly raised his sword and released the icy spikes that began to rise against Codey in the flat. Noticing the blue glitter, Codey quickly jumped back, but due to the fast and cold wind, Codey was blown towards the wall. Tihara, however, then took a step forward when Yukito immediately appeared in front of Codey. "It was easier and pretty fast .... remember not to think too much about your strength ... because the captains will probably be more capable!" Yukito then prepared a downward swing, but Tihara appeared in front of Codey in a flash and defended Yukito's attack with her short sword. "No way!" Yukito's teeth chattered. "What are you doing?" Yukito looked at her in anger.

"I told you earlier, if you want to kill him, you're going to have to push yourself

through me! Captain Yukito, please just listen! "But, Yukito was still not in such shape to listen.

"Captain Alexis! We don't know where she is, but Codey was happy to explain that Captain Sadako took her aside ... please just listen, I don't want to fight you!" Tihara was serious in the eye so Yukito started to give in.

"As a lieutenant, I can assure you that I noticed Captain Sadako creating strange and suspicious things ... I don't know how to let you know that you will believe, but please, just trust me!" Both swords rubbing against each other shook. "I don't understand why you have such problems against Captain Sadako?" Yukito began to push, but Tihara was needed for an explanation.

"I have nothing against her, but ... you could find out for yourselves if you were me! I know she won the title of captain, but for some time now this woman has been suspicious, as I have also seen with my own eyes ... when she was talking to Captain Alexis a few months ago .... Captain Sadako changed the paper and the report and instructions for Ayuka Kirashito, I don't have the sheet, but I could prove it to you if I had that sheet! Please! "

"I still got orders to stop this half-demon, so you won't convince me of that!" But, with that, Tihara asked again, and this time Yukito saw the confidentiality in her eyes. So Yukito angrily pulled back his sword and leaned it back against his back. "Okay .... then keep doing whatever you want." With that, Tihara smiled. "Captain, Yukito." At that, Yukito turned when he heard a voice, girl.

"Lieutenant Asuka Enatsu, what are you doing here?" With that question, Yukito looked up at her. "I found some papers in the sixth article, so I would ask you to listen." Yukito looked at her with his arms crossed. "It ensures that Ayuka Kirashito was sent to Tokyo City, but .... it looks like it has written one of the lies here ..." With that, Yukito grabbed the sheets. Codey got to his feet, then quickly cleared his boomerang. Yukito read through the paper, and found that Ayuka had first been sent to a city that laid in their world.

"I can't believe it .... realistically Ayuka was sent to the Tatar City in our world, but, someone turned it into Tokyo City ... all the captains thought it was Tokyo City, but ... why ... why was no one aware of that? " With that, Yukito turned away. "Captain ... it appears that one of the other persons in the Spiritual Realm has changed the instructions sent from the Main Quartet .... which means that our chief captain ... Captain Himurya Shezaki, also misunderstood. .. "At that, Yukito listened.

"Please, do you believe now?" Codey looked at the others. Yukito looked toward Codey. "I can't believe one of our staff framed one of our Ginkenians ...." Yukito was a little more calm now. "All right, go ahead, I'm going to go in, to the captains and show them this sheet, and you don't come any closer in the meantime, okay?" Yukito now looked like he was on the right side. "Of course, I'm just asking you to ensure this, I hope this will stop Ayuka's execution."

But even before Yukito could resign, his paper was immediately torn, his eyes trembling. "I think I'd rather not." Yukito, Codey, Asuka, Tihara and Yora all looked in the direction of the voice. "Captain Sadako?" Yukito asked with a question. "I don't think that paper falls into your hands ... so I'd rather tear it up ...." With that, Asuka and Yukito's eyes shook with anger. "Captain Sadako, I think you better explain what's going on here?" But, Sadako just laughed as she watched Yukito.

[ -Asuka is a lieutenant of the tenth clan and is known for her orange hair and green eyes.

Asuka is also a girl with a bigger chest, so she often jokes about it towards her captain, Yukito Kobayashi, even though he hates it.

She is dressed in the lieutenant's dress, which is usually a kimono, she has a necklace around her neck, which is also part of her strength.]

To be continued...