127. Possibility of explanation!

[Disastrous Shades: Arc 6]

GINKEN, the weapon that makes up the share of the soul. More than 75% of the staff in the Zero Council is dominated by this world.

Such weapons are known as 'meta' weapons in the current year and can be of any shape.

The GINKENIANS who wield these weapons are often also called 'Spiritual Duelists', who have two bodies 'Spiritual' and 'Physical'. Because these warriors are so named and the only ones who can use such weapons, they are also known for their protection of people and souls, who are often hunted by Demons and other races.

GINKEN is able to use different abilities as a change, but because of this, Ginkenians need to be very important in their powers.

When a Ginkenian is in a 'Spiritual' body, the capacity of infinite power is known to them, but, this is very uncommon as all Ginkenians grow in power, one of the most suggested areas is the 'Spiritual Realm' because over 10 million of these Ginkenians live, because of this, the people there prepared thirteen clans, to train and operate in missions. Because protection is very important in this world!

There lives in almost every part of the world an evil.

- One day later -

|Tokyo City - Ginga Street - Thursday, 9:00 a.m.|

The moment Tim was still asleep, someone reached forward. "Hey, Tim wake up ..." The voice was a feminine as Tim immediately caught on. "Don't even try?" Tim paused loudly. "Huh? Wait, hey!" But because Tim had too quick a reaction, he dragged and rolled Ayuka over his body and through the open window. "Whaaaaaaaa !!!" With a loud cry, Ayuka flew off and rolled over the window.

|Tokyo City - Ginga Street - Thursday, 9:10 a.m.|

"What the hell are you doing in my room?" With the question, Tim was a little louder. Ayuka, who had her hands in her pockets, and uttered. "As you remember, I was put in charge of the Tokyo City .... of course, that also means I'll be here more than 80 percent .... so it would be more appropriate if I stayed here and used your closet .." While Ayuka was explaining, Tim looked sideways.

"Oh! No! No! You're not going to do that again! Not even by chance, oh no, no way!" With that, Tim reached out and grabbed Ayuka by the shoulders. "Erm ... hey, hey! Don't push!" A bag fell from Ayuka's pocket to the ground. "What are you throwing on the floor?" With a question, Tim looked down as Ayuka squatted in front of Tim and reached for the floor. Since Ayuka had chewing gum in her mouth, it sounded a little weirder. "Don't push jeeze or it will explode, you'll already feel it." With that, however, Ava entered. "Oh! Good morning, brother ...." But when Ava looked ahead and heard the talking between them, she turned red in the face. Tim looked around in front of him and behind him.

As Ava stood behind Tim's back, it looked as if Ayuka was crouching in front of Tim's private part.

"If you're already bringing a girl into the house, you don't need to start this so quickly." But when Ava said that, Tim called and turned around. "Hey! No! Ava, no! It's not what you think! Ava!" But Ava quickly ran up the stairs. "Ava !!!" Ayuka, however, looked confused when Tim was very red in the face.

"Congratulations, look what you've done now." As Tim said this, Ayuka seemed lost. "And what was I supposed to do? All I did was pick up the food." Tim said back. "Yeah, but the words you used were very irrelevant!" With that, Tim said and was disappointed. As Ayuka watched him, Tim became unamused. "Would you bite already ?!" When Tim called out, Ayuka bit into the bread.

At that, Tim's sisters and father came towards his room and Ayuka quickly jumped when the others showed up. "You see!" But when Ava called, Ayuka was nowhere to be seen. "Erm ... Ava, I don't see any girls." With that, Dasuke and Charlotte both became unamused. "But! I swear, I saw a girl in front of Tim's pipe." With that, however, Tim became very disappointed. "Okay enough, everyone, go away, I don't want you to bother me as I prepare to leave the room!" With that, Tim pulled them away and closed the door. Ayuka, however, now jumped to show the bag she had previously lost. "What is this anyway?" With a question, Tim grabbed the bag. "Um .... food, as I said." Tim then took the bag and looked.

"And what to do with it?" "Eat, what else do you think?" With that, Tim grabbed the bag and squeezed it into Ayuka's chest. "No thanks, enjoy ... since you need food more, I wasn't malnourished." With that, however, Tim stepped out of the room and Ayuka became very unamused.

"Well, if you don't want free food, then so be it." With that, however, Tim turned back with a bored face. "Why would I take your food?" "It's not taking if I share it with you, is it? Oh, I can already see, because I'm a girl, you think I'm really in need of eating, as if you guys aren't." As she said this, Tim responded immediately. "That's not what I thought!"

Tim stepped towards the under floor and noticed his family standing in front of the door. "Oh hello Timmy! Are you ready to go now?" With that question, Tim looked toward the door. "Yeah ... I am, but you know I'm going alone." With that, both Ava and Charlotte shook her head. "Hey, why should you go alone, what are you hiding from us?" With a question, Ava moved her hands to her hips.

"Because it's private ..." But after Tim said that, Ava replied. "I knew there was something between you and that girl!" Tim, however, responded quickly. "No, it's not! How many times do I have to tell you that ?!" With that, however, Charlotte added. "Well, look, your friend is already in the waiting room." Then Tim looked around and noticed Ayuka standing on the floor waiting while tapping on the floor.

Tim, however, quickly ran towards her and asked. "What are you doing again?" With the question, Tim asked quietly with astonishment. Ayuka pulled the phone out of her back pocket and pointed. "As you can see, we have a little trouble ...." As Ayuka said this, Tim checked and immediately understood. "A larger herd of Demons appeared in Sekai Street again ...." With that, Tim confirmed. "But I ... I have a departure." "Are you thinking of going, or what?" With a question, Ava asked and looked back at them. "Hurry up!" With that, Ayuka pulled Tim by the shirt. "Hey! I didn't agree to help! Hey! Woman!" But without a word, Ayuka dragged him across the floor when Tim was unamused.

- A few minutes later -

|Tokyo City - Street - Thursday, 9:40 a.m.|

"Ugh ... where's the demon? Now that you have the sword, you can kill them yourself ..." With what Tim said he seemed to be bored, Ayuka uttered back. "There isn't one." In doing so, however, Tim moved forward with his body as the swiss appeared on the back of his head. "Uh, what do you mean by that?"

Ayuka then turned around. "I mean, that there isn't one... which means there's no Demon around." Tim then uttered. "I still don't understand ...."

"I'm telling you, I lied about there being a Demon ...." But Tim became very unamused. "And why ... did you do that?" After the question, Ayuka uttered, and turned against him with her whole body. "I did it so I could bring you here ...." When Ayuka said that, Tim turned his back on Ayuka. "Can someone explain to me?"

Ayuka then called out. "Hey! Don't talk to readers!" Tim, however, exhaled and turned.

"Okay, what is this spot to you, why did you want me to come here?" Ayuka then reached into the back pocket of her pants and stepped towards Tim.

"I'd like to talk to you about something very private ...." As he listened, Tim scratched his face. "Um ... okay?"

"A month ago, when you were in the 'Spiritual Realm', you and Codey approached three demons that fell under the category of 'Beast Demons' .... then, a month later, two days ago, you crossed a fin demon, and the same was for Codey.

He told me yesterday that he had met a winged Demon that we didn't even know existed until now ... "Tim continued to listen.

"These events that the three of us have accomplished..... don't they seem kind of suspicious to you, never until now, have so many 'Beast Demons' been shown ... but usually these Demons are hidden in their fiery environments .... winged and the demon fins, however, do not fall under the flaming area .... I want to tell you that there is a possibility that someone from other Demon kingdoms has woken up ..... "Tim who was listening now was a bit confused.

"Now that you say .... you're probably right .... but do you have any idea who this is supposed to be?" Ayuka, however, answered immediately. "No, but I was thinking ..... these Demons were never known until now ..... and a few months ago .... you, me, Kanji met a person ... remember .. .. "

"Demonical Ginkenians ...." "That's right .... this staff ... are people ..... who have the power of the Demon and us ... Spiritual Duelists ... so that meeting with that guy... gave me an idea ... these 'Demonical Ginkenians' have the ability to control other 'Beast Demons' ... "By what she was explaining, Tim was creating an image in his head.

"So ... you wanted me to come here, just for this information .... but why right here?" As Tim asked, Ayuka closed her eyes and explained. "As you can see, I brought you to a very closed-in environment .... because there's a good chance someone's watching us right now." With what Ayuka said, some person hiding behind the roof made a smile.

"I think you can show up now." With that, Ayuka said, Tim and she both turned in that direction.

A shadow appeared in front of them, standing on top of the roof. "Um ... it looks like even with a downsizing of my 'Spiritual Symbolism' you could perceive me .... that's pretty surprising if you ask me." The voice was girlish. "What are you doing here?" With the question, Tim struggled to get an answer. "Nothing like that, I just enjoy the daytime sun ...." With that, the woman jumped in front of them with her hands behind her back.

"Listen, if possible .... my name is Aelia Kato and yes, as I also am a 'Demonical Ginkenian' ...." The girl had yellowish hair with blue eyes. "But, I'm not here to kill or attack you, but just to talk." "And .... what would you like to talk about ..." Ayuka asked, as she prepared for the duel, just in case.

"Of course .... I listened and heard that you have minor .... no.... major problems with 'Beast Demons' .... which also keeps you from the right answer to what is supposed to be happening ....." when Aelia spoke up Tim stood up straight. "And you think we're going to trust you now, even if you explain it to us?" With a question, Tim grabbed his sleeve. "No, I don't even happen to expect your confidentiality ..... but, but maybe it's worth listening to, after all, maybe it'll be useful to you ..." With that, these three warriors looked each other in the eye ....

Just what will happen ... does this girl really have a chance to explain .....?

[GINKEN: Nensho]

This Ginken was first controlled in the hands of Giovanni and is the same as the other Ginkens were in the normal form of a katana, of course this Ginken was then accepted into Tim's hands and has been in the 'Kodachi' state since its acquisition.

This Ginken has always been dark in color and also capable of an attack called 'Seraphic Penetrate'.

This Ginken, like almost every other, is capable of a change in 'Henshin' which however merges one into Tim's clothing and look when this Ginken is in 'Kodachi' state, reaches exactly 122.3 centimetres in distance and is slightly curled from the middle towards the end....

The sword's name is created from the Japanese Word '燃 焼 - Nenshō' which means 'Burning' in English as this sword is capable of creating fire itself, not just Tim.

To be continued...