132. The historical stone! Remake of imagination?

[Disastrous Shades: Arc 6]

- The moment when Chiharu found out about the 'Golden Stone' somebody made him stop -

Chiharu gave up speaking and therefore swung forward and defended, but at that he felt the attack of Gina cut through his shorter sleeves on the right side of his clothing.

But, he quickly took a step forward and ran a notch towards her, at which point Gina quickly jumped into the air and dodged, but landed on the wall in a three-step setup, looking through the darkness as her eyes continued to light up red . She dropped towards Chiharu and cut with her katana. But with that, he defended Chiharu and both pressures were released a side, which meant tearing down the wall....

- GINKEN, the weapon that makes up the share of the soul. More than 75% of the staff in the Zero Council is dominated by this world.

Such weapons are known as 'meta' weapons in the current year and can be of any shape.

The GINKENIANS who wield these weapons are often also called 'Spiritual Duelists', who have two bodies 'Spiritual' and 'Physical'. Because these warriors are so named and the only ones who can use such weapons, they are also known for their protection of people and souls, who are often hunted by Demons and other races.

GINKEN is able to use different abilities as a change, but because of this, Ginkenians need to be very important in their powers.

When a Ginkenian is in a 'Spiritual' body, the capacity of infinite power is known to them, but, this is very uncommon as all Ginkenians grow in power, one of the most suggested areas is the 'Spiritual Realm' because over 10 million of these Ginkenians live, because of this, the people there prepared thirteen clans, to train and operate in missions. Because protection is very important in this world!

There lives in almost every part of the world an evil. -

|Outskirts - Kuni Mountain - Wednesday, 4:16 p.m.|

Chiharu, he was still paying attention to the duel but he heard the word. "Aren't you going to step away from the stone? All right! Then I'll promise you'll be killed here in this cave!" With a call, Gina raised her sword. "Ko-Da-Chi!" At the loud utterance, Gina released a violent energy rushing through the cave, which also began to destroy the ground.

"Kodachi? That's amazing!" With a call, Chiharu jumped to the side while he noticed that dust had covered Gina. With that, Gina swung her sword, but this time it surprised Chiharu, as her sword now had three blades cutting on three sides, left, right and forward, she turned the weapon and then released her dark magenta aura.

"Get ready, because this may be your last day to speak and see!" With that, Gina disappeared from the spot and a chain appeared around Chiharu, which frightened him. He avoided by squatting and saw when a strong chain swung into the wall and knocked it down, and in front of the wall stood Gina with a weapon where she then grabbed her chain and swung forward, using the chain as an extension for her attack. With that, he turned and defended Chiharu, but the chain wrapped around his blade and with that, Gina pulled towards her.

Chiharu was surprised to see his sword stabbed into the wall, now unarmed.

"Damn!" At the call, Chiharu jumped aside in oblique steps to the side and stopped at the edge of the abyss. "I told you." When she said this, she grabbed the handle of Chiharu's sword. But as she did so, the sword released the pressure that tore the left sleeve from Gina's suit, with that she urgently needed to release. "What the hell ?!" With a question, Gina grabbed her sword.

"You have your 'Ginken' but you don't know you can't hold other weapons of opposite masters .... a little disappointed!" With that, the sword moved. "Ko-Da-Chi!" At the utterance, Chiharu called out as the sword released the pressure his aura connected to the sword's handle, at that point the sword stretched and acquired a blade like a chainsaw, so that blade cut through the hard stone and almost cut the neck from Gina. But at that, Gina jumped to the side and retreated, and at that, Chiharu appeared in front of the sword and grabbed his blade. He swung. "Sorry, but you're done now! Kusarinoko!" That was the name of his 'Kodachi' state.

"Ugh ...." Gina grabbed her chain and swung at him, but Chiharu defended quickly and called out. "It's not going to work!" In doing so, he turned on his chainsaw and slashed through the metal with a swing.

At that, Gina's eyes widened. Soon after, however, her sword changed back to its normal appearance. "Do you still want to fight ?!" Chiharu took the question seriously. Gina, on the other hand, looked at him with an angry face. She took a breath and unsummoned her sword, it disappeared into her aura. "Okay ... you win, do whatever you want ...." At that, her eyes changed back to black.

Chiharu's sword, however, disappeared into the aura.

Gina stepped aside as Chiharu approached closer. "Don't try anything funny, or you'll die." At that, Gina spat out her saliva and sat down on a hard rock. Chiharu reached for the 'Golden Stone' and grabbed it. "I hope I didn't come here for nothing." But when he grabbed this stone, the stone let out a golden light that soon reached around the cave, and as it assembled the rocky bridge over the precipice, Chiharu felt immense pain in his hands as he called out at that. "What's going on! Why it has to be so hard!" Since the gold is quite heavy, he was able to hold it with both hands, but when he lifted it above his head, he only noticed the golden light, his eyes trembling.

"Uh ... that ... I don't understand what is going on?" Gina stepped back with a question, but what Chiharu saw was impossible for her.

What he saw was 'pointless' to what he thought at least.

His gaze shifted through time, and during that time he saw other warriors, among them he also saw a boy with white hair and fiery powers, a girl with white hair and icy powers at the same time he also saw a younger girl who was tired of what it looked like, a fight. He also saw blood flowing down the wall, he saw red eyes hiding in the dark, the wind was blowing around the guy, at that he saw a guy disappearing and appearing in electricity. In front of them, however, stood a boy, with dark powers, laughing madly, but what he did not understand was a younger girl standing in front of them, perhaps depicting the future? Then he began to see words that showed some vocabulary.

At that, Chiharu quickly threw away this stone, which shattered on the ground, and then the whole cave began to be destroyed. "What happened?" With the question, he was frozen on the floor.

"Hurry up!" Gina took his hand and pulled him out, as at one point the whole cave would collapse. They escaped from the cave with a quick run and succeeded, but in the end the cave was covered with rubble. Gina let go of his hand and breathed in front of him.

"What happened?" With the question, Chiharu was lost, but, someone appeared, hovering in front of them with dark powers, Chiharu immediately realized that this was the guy he had seen in the previous event.

"Ah ... so this stone was hiding here." The boy asked. "Hey, who are you, I saw you in-" But the boy quickly stopped Chiharu. "My name is, Lucas .... this stone, when you found it, is very important to my powers now .... you know .... I'd like to thank you, but it's pointless if you're both going to die now." " With a smile, Lucas reached to the side with his right hand and let out a dark purple energy. Without even explaining the situation.

With an angry but tired face, Chiharu reached to the side, but in an instant he noticed Gina falling to the floor, covered in blood. "Gina ?!" But, even as he called out, he only noticed the purple energy slicing through his chest. With that, his eyes began to tremble. Lucas, however, was still hovering to the side, his right arm covered in blood, which then disappeared in steam.

"Huh .... how come the man is working with Half-Demon, and I haven't seen that in a while ...." Since Lucas didn't know Codey, he was unaware of him too. "You bastard ....." Of course, Lucas smiled when Chiharu called out. "Oh? Bastard? Well, well, now calm down." When Lucas smiled he cut through Chiharu's neck, next to which meant immediate death. Chiharu fell to the ground. "Ooops, I didn't mean to kill you ... did I?" With that, Lucas just snarled, and with that, he began to feel tremendous power, flowing through his body, growling so loudly that his energy was let down into the distance. The forest that stood beneath him began to move. "Finally .... now I'm going to show these people what I'm capable of!" With a crazy laugh, Lucas then felt weak.

"What ... what's going on ...?" At the question, his heart slowly began to calm, but it meant the opposite, it hurt him, and at the same time Lucas began to lose consciousness. "Give peace .... stop, stop, stop it!" But, his body was unable to hold such strength, so he just fell to the ground.

Three bodies laid on the floor.

- Meanwhile -

|Tokyo City - Shoujin Street - Wednesday, 4:25 p.m.|

Maia, Ume and Daizen, standing together in the street, were surprised. Her bodies became frightened. "Hey! What's going on?" With the question, Odina quickly reached forward with her hand, but at that, the three began to scream. "Maia? Ume? Daizen! Hello! Can you hear me ???" But, Odina began to hear and feel the sharp pressure rising. "What's going on with me? !!" With a loud exclamation, Maia began to feel pain, the other two as well. "That ... that's not possible, that can't be true!" All three scolded, their eyes instantly turning red. "What's happening???" With a question, Odina stepped aside and ran.

"It's the same event that happened to Codey !? But how, they're not Half-Demons ???" Odina was frightened. Their aura immediately became darker.

|Tokyo City - Sekai Street - Wednesday, 4:26 p.m.|

"Codey! What's going on with you?" Kanji stepped aside with a question. Codey's eyes began to tremble, his veins became stronger, and his hair turned black. "Stop, stop! What's going on! What's going on!" His voice has now also begun to change.

"Stop, stop, stop !!!" Codey made a gap as he screamed into the air, at which point his dark soul flew into the air. The soul was a part of human. The same thing was happening to Maia, Uma and Daizen, all three, their human soul flying into the air but showing a skeleton-like face behind them as an illusion.

"Codey, calm down! Hey!" But it was not successful. Kanji was surprised when he felt only fear within himself. Codey's power grew taller and taller, but it wasn't controlled. "What's going on with me!" As Codey grabbed his head, he also let out tears streaming down his face. Four students from Mainichi no kimochi High School have become completely lost from their human soul. Their aura was dark all the time.

Codey spotted the boy in the distance looking in his direction. "Human Flesh!" With that, Codey's eyes widened as he disappeared from the spot and destroyed the entire building, the floor shook and shattered in alined shape, and at one point as Codey swung forward through the young boy's neck, blood shot into the air as people became quite frightened.

"What's happening?!" With the question, Kanji reacted quickly and started running towards Codey. "Codey! Stop! Stop!" Codey turned back when his mouth was covered in blood, but Codey disappeared and Kanji quickly tried to move, but he no longer felt Codey's aura, the same was true for the three new students, Maia, Ume and Daizen. Now, Odina and Kanji were scared, with no idea of just what had happened.

"C .... Codey ....? This .... this is abnormal from his behavior ..... something .... something had to force him into this transformation .... just too how many other people did that happen? " With the question, Kanji immediately understood that he had to warn others.

The boy's blood flowed on the floor when Kanji almost gave up. "That ... isn't real..... that didn't happen, Codey would never kill a young boy ...."

To be continued...