209. Human Society Protection Guild!

['Cloaked Shadow' Existance: Arc 10]

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi City - Tim's bedroom - Monday, 8:00 a.m.]

The morning sun and air filled the warm room.

An alarm loudly began to sing to when the blanket slid off the boy's body. "....Come on. This is so annoying, how can people wake to this crap, ugh..." The arm shot out beneath the blankets, pressing its palm on the button and the alarm, finally stopped.

Tim slipped his upper body and legs from beneath the blanket and topped them on the ground. "It past a week and I'm slowly losing my mind on this 'everyday' wake up song, at times like this I'd even prefer for my dad to wake me up." Tim now gently scratched his ear to when straighting up and walking toward the door - but, when he was about to walk through, a bunch of yells roared from the outside, reaching Tim's ears through an opened window. "What now?"

By stepping toward the window and gazed through it, his feeling of being annoyed disappeared, but, confusion crossed instead.

"Woohooo!" By the loud shout, Thomas bursted between a bunch of crowded people, smiling and laughing. "Come on! Slow down! This is no time to be rushing! You'll end up falling! Please, come on, slow down!" It was a girl, running right behind Thomas. "...Why the hell is Odina here as well!?!" To quickly make sure, Tim wiped his eyes. "...No joke, it really is her! But- How is that even possible?!" The morning for Tim seemed to have not been, most 'expected'. To quickly catch up, Tim hopped toward the closet and stressfuly reached forward to his jacket, but a menacing man made him caught on the spot, he faced him, through the window. ("And who is he supposed to be?")

The boy seemed to have been dressed in a quite 'different' clothes. "And they are once again, running in the same directions as earlier... what can I do with them?" The boy now noticed Tim standing at the opened window and looked at him confused as well, but by the end of them 'exchanging' looks, the boy reached out with a smile and a raised arm.

"Yo! Seems like you've got a lot on your mind!" "Huh? Are you talking to me?" To make sure, Tim faced around. "Why of course! Who else do you think? Haha."

"Anyway. Sorry to keep it 'weird' and 'confusing', but I'm... well, how should I put it? 'Guardian' of those two, something to catch your eyes?" The boy continued with a question and gave Tim the word. "...Well... actually - I do. You call yourself a 'guardian' of those two, where's any reason in it, furthermore - how come do you know about Odina and Thomas?"

"Oh... that's a lot of questions to put in such a short meeting. Hmm, well, you see. Odina managed to recover that boy's blindness, but that's not what you've asked. Well - haha, basically, I've met Odina a few months back, surrounder by a group of Demons, helping her made me acquanted with her, and from there, we've become friends. But you seem to be fammiliar with these two, may I know your name?" The boy asked.

"....Myles can see...? Oh. I'm Timoshī Shinkaku, same as you, friends of the two." "Such a known name, yes. You must be the one who Odina warned me about, well! In a good way, of course! As for me - I'm Ikehara Hideki and I'm a Spiritual Duelist just like yourself." With twisted mind, Tim's eyes came in surprise and shock.

"Oh! Tim! Finally!" Thomas and Odina just came running besides Ikehara. "See you've met Ikehara!"

[Planet Earth - Umi Island - Umi City - Monday, 8:10 a.m.]

Tim spoke with his dear friend Odina and the newly met Ikehara. "....Good to see you after this long. I see you've met Ikehara, couldn't be less proud of you." Claps were hard. "So. Why exactly have you brought him with you?" "Have you not heard?" "Heard what?" "We were called here by Akari and Tishida, the two of them decided to begin preparations, we've decided to create 'Human Society Protection Guild'." To confusion Tim snapped out in shock. "What are you talking about?!" "If you have not heard, the last time you and your friends got caught in this disaster, each of you were injured, correct? Well, the choice was simple, to make a Team Guild to which can provide us efficiently, after all, I've come here to help out as well." Ikehara claimed. "Yes, but how do you plan to build this 'Guild' of yours with only 4 people, if not less?" "Not to worry, we've come to you, so that you could bring your friends. It's an idea, a building, simmilar to Clans in Spiritual Realm, but we just prefer to call them Guilds, for a small change, ehehe..."

"So to be sure... Odina. You've come here to ask me to help you with gaining new allies?" "Something like that. But don't worry, the Guild has yet to be built, meaning, we've got a few weeks before it will be finished. But to what you've asked - you can just ask your friends, I'm sure they'll help out." ("So much for thinking the life would be a bit easier now that Shinsuke has been defeated.") Tim sighed, quietly. "If you're planning to build this 'Guild'. Where are you planning to do so?" Ikehara gave an answer. "It's in Waseko Town, it's a few miles away from this island." "How do you explain the situation of us being there, if I am living here, in Umi City?" "Speaking about your 'living'.... you see, your father...." To when Odina almost finished her sentence, somebody screamed out.

"Timmey!!!!!!" With a yelling mouth of a man, Dasuke, Tim's father began rushing through the crowd with his arms raised. "I got good news!" To when Dasuke reached the front of Tim, he stretched his arms and tried to leap at Tim, but duo to his lack of patience, Tim backed away and raised his knee, completing the final blow into Dasuke's abdomen, who then spoke. ".....Oagh! There goes my fed stomach...." From there, Dasuke's body smashed at the floor, face first. "Ooo. That must of have hurt." Biting into her nail, Odina then became enthusiastic. "Anyway, to where I left, your father, over here, made sure to move near that Guild, for the rest of us, we'll be staying in the Guild's bedrooms, once it'll be finished." Dasuke then stood up and felt nauseas. "What... she said... anyway! Tim! Are you ready to prepare your stuff for when we'll have to leave?!" Dasuke leaned onto Tim's right shoulder.

"How many times do you plan on moving? This is slowly getting annoying!" "Hey, hoh, hey. Umi City was just temporarar, but then, once we move into Waseko Town, no worries, we'll be spending more than a year there, for sure." By the confident expression, Dasuke added several nods, being proud of himself. ".....Who came up with this idea, anyway?" To asking, somebody spoke. "That'd be me." To once Tim turned, he became surprised. "Yukito?! YOU? You were the one who decided to make this!? The hell are you even doing here, shouldn't you be doing your 'captain' crap?" "First of all. It's Captain Kobayashi! And second of all! The idea was simple, after Captain Sakami left the 13th Clan, they were left without a proper captain and were spread across other Clans. For that reason, Head Captain Shezaki decided to disband the thirteenth clan. Since Sakami is now staying on Planet Earth, I've gave an idea to use the Spiritual Realm's money to provide you and the rest with some sort of better aid, for that reason, they decided to count your 'Guild' identically to as Thirteenth Clan, basically simmilar idea to how it works in Spiritual Realm, just on Planet Earth. Of course, the rules you'll make won't be our doing, so make sure to come up with some smart ideas, currently, we have several Spiritual Duelist's working on the building at Waseko Town, for now it's just the frame, but it should be finished in less than a month."

To all the explanations that Yukito gave, Tim's mind surely dropped to confusion. "Well. That sure is something, isn't it." "The Members you'll gather it's your decisions, not ours, but I hope you're aware that a 'Guild' cannot begin with one person, I recommend at least 5 at minimum, but also, don't exaggerate in how many people you'd want, the 'Guild' will only have the chance to hold 15. 15 bedrooms, of course." Explained Yukito. "And I thought you weren't a guy for jokes! And now you're here, coming with the idea to building a 'Guild' in our world!" With a loud laugh, Tim slapped Yukito's shoulder, who became embarrassed. "I told you! It was something that will help you in future, so don't go yelling at me, especially not to someone who is not even a clan member from my Clan!" Yukito called, angry. "All right then! So how do you people plan to proceed, all you need is people, well members? What about other stuff, if you're going to stay there, did you think about, kitchen, shower room and-" At that event, Yukito moved Tim's arm away. "That's all going to matter onto your member picking, not my fault if it ends up filled with a bunch of ignorants." Spoke Yukito.

By unamusement, Tim sighed. "Urgh. Fine, do I even have a choice?" To his questions, the rest decided to nod their heads. "All right! Fine! I guess I'll just go ask, the rest! But why so sudden? We have 3 weeks, no need to rush!" "It's easy request. And why, so that you begin that 'Guild' immediately after it is finished." Still unamused, Tim sighed.

"Oh, and by the way, you already have two members!" Called Ikehara. "Let me guess, you and Odina?" But after declining, Ikehara only agreed for himself and then pointed at Thomas. "Him." "Wait! Oh right! Thomas! When I saw you earlier, you seemed to have had fun time running! Is it true that your eye sight was recovered?!" By the question, Thomas nodded and raised his right arm. "Of course! Thanks to Akari and Odina! I can finally see again! It's so beautiful, this entire Island is so much to look at!" With additional smile, given to Thomas, Tim sighed. "I'm so relieved that you can finally see again."

"But.... how do you plan to be within guild, with a bunch of idiots?" Tim asked, after the air filled the area. "Very simple! I'll just act like I am in 'care'. After all, there have been only older children in the care in Tokyo, got used to it." Gigglish sounds were heard. "Well... if you say so. And you, Odina. Why did you not decide to prepare and join the guild?" "Well, erm.... it was just something I couldn't do, other reasons, besides, I'll come to visit you every so often, I've found my home in Waseko Town as well, so I'll be nearby." "Oh, I see... well, if you'll need help, just tell me. Now, Ikehara, you can't just come and join the Guild, I'd like to see your strength. Odina might of have had agreed to this, but I sure want to see why." With a smile, Ikehara nodded. "Of course, if it's a Duel you'd like, then let it happen."

"Is this really the time for this?" Quickly asking, Tim and Ikehara nodded. "Shouldn't you mind your own buisness, you did say is on me, to pick who I want for this guild!" Tim sighed. By embarrassed, yet annoyed thoughts, Yukito looked to the side. "Fine.... go ahead." With that Odina, Thomas and Yukito backed away.

"But how are we going to duel, without a proper area?" "Just use The Zero Dimension, it will work, just not identically as to how it works in Spiritual Realm." Yukito sighed. "Wait, is that even possible?" "If not, then just use the broken battlefield that you've used for that 'tournament' to when you returned."

"Oh, right. That little island a few meters away from docks, good thinking, good job for a kid!" Tim smiled.

"How many times! I am NOT, a KID!"

To be continued...