218. Re-meeting!

[The Dueling Exam: Arc 11]

- 1 week later -

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Examinee's Keeping - Fortune Tunnel - Friday 7:00 a.m.]

The area was already filled with people - our heroes finally managed to enter the 'Dueling Exam' and each of them were ready to face all seven events.

"You must be kidding? There is so many people around us, it feels so uncomfortable." Claimed Kishi, quite worried of what might happen. "Well, this is one of the biggest days currently at new lines of rules. Basically, what I'm trying to say in short - is that every Examinee who stand here and are waiting for Exam's beginning, are ready to face death, danger and extreme pain. I am bound that there will be death, after all, this is a test of survival, only the ones who are strong enough, who are capable of fighting can survive." Codey explained, rather ready for this to soon begin. "I'm not perfectly sure about this time, but are we aware of when does the exam even begin?" Kanji added with a question. "Checking the date and what hour it starts, there were informations about it beginning in couple of hours, at around 9 am to 10 am. But only 1000 may enter at maximum, so we're lucky to even managed to get in." Codey explained, carefuly and politely. "And these number badges, guess it represents to which examinee of number we are...." Tim though facing at the badge. "Yes, correct. You're number 673, I'm 674, Kanji is 675, Sakami is 676 and so on, you do understand me." Asked Codey.

"I'm not that dumb to not understand a basic intelligence." Tim sighedm grabbing the top of his forehead. "Yeah! Well, there are still in total of 322 spots left for people to arrive." As for Tim, after the finished lessons of how the numbers worked, Tim and Kylin witnessed a fammiliar face. "Hey. Kylin, isn't that, that guy we've met?" Tim thought. She faced and nodded. "Oh, right. He called himself Muto Kyou, correct?" Kylin spoke. "Yeah, seems he came sooner than expected. Number 25." Tim spoke. "Not just him, that girl is there as well." Sakami pointed at the blond hair that Tim and her met in the Umi Forest, within mistiness. "Number 134, huh. Seems we are going to meet different examinees that we've seen before after all....." Tim sighed.

"Woah! Guys look! Not just those that you know, Octavius and Tsukiya are there as well! You must be kidding!" Surprisingly called Codey. In that moment, as he called, Octavius and Tsukiya noticed them, by surprise of noticing Ayuka, the two of them stepped by. "I see you fellows entered this exam as well.... I did expect you to come in any case...." Claimed Octavius. "That's something I wouldn't expect...." Kanji sighed. "Oh. By the way. You're Ayuka... correct?" Once Ayuka raised her head, being number 677, she nodded. "And you're the ones who tried to capture me...."

"Yeah, this is why we've bothered to come by, we wanted to apologize for that hunt back then, we're very sorry. I've talked to Tim before and he claimed that I should apologize to you, before him." "That was logical, idiot. Weren't it?" Tim sighed and crossed his arms. "Y-Yes... anyway, we're sorry once again... right Tsukiya?" Octavius asked. "You must be kidding! Ugh! Whatever, fine. Guess if this idiot is sorry, I am sorry as well...." Tsukiya spoke, in annoyance. "So what exactly brings you here? Why have you decided to enter the 'Dueling Exam'? Especially you, Octavius. With those injuries?" Kanji asked in confusion. "We need our 'Dueling Licenses' so it's better that we take on this test." Claimed Octavius. "Sure, I understand. But how do you plan on climbing a mountain with just one arm?" Kanji added. "That. I'll figure something out, but before that, guess you're here to get 'Dueling Licenses' as well." After Octavius spoke, others nodded. "That's our goal at least. Besides, not a chance that we fail..." Tim threw out loud call.

While the rest spoke, Sakami and the girl that the two of them met, exchanged looks, as for the girl, she turned away. ("Didn't expect them to be here.") Smiled the girl, crossed arms under her chest. "Oh... look, Shiro is there as well..." Codey spoke, even that time, the rest of them faced at them.

"Oh! Guys! You're here as well!" A manly voice was heard when Tim and others faced backward, Ikehara has finally joined up with them, once again. "Ikehara! So good to see you!" Laughed Codey "Same goes to you and your partners.... so, I see you're going all out. Not bad, I like it." In that moment the girl stepped by. "I didn't expect you to come and show yourself, Ikehara..." It was the girl that Tim and Sakami met. "Whoa! It's you! Who the hell even are you! And don't sneak up on people!" Kanji shouted. "Oh. I see you haven't met her yet. This is Kanai Midori, a rival in old days, she is another 'Spiritual Duelist' just like me. We've fought many times in the past, isn't that right, Kanai?" Smiled Ikehara. "I suppose you may say it like so...." Kanai spoke. "If you won't mind, Kanai. I'm sure you remember us, but. Last time in misty forest, why were you attacking us?" Tim asked seriously. "Wait! You've met her too??" Codey asked.

"I was chasing the 'Cloaked Shadow'. But, she escaped... either way, to your question. I couldn't tell if you were my targets because of the heavy fog, mist, whatever you'd like to call it. Those were my only reasons to attacking you two." Explained Kanai. "So, a duelist who targets the first person they see.... that's just lovely." Kanji sighed. "Not exactly, but I will admit it. It surprised me that you've managed to keep your guard up in that heavy fog...." Smiled Kanai, explaining with a leaning hand. "Trust me, these people. I know them quite decently by now. But they are extremely well trained 'Spiritual Duelists' anyways, this is Tim, Sakami, Codey, Kanji, Ayuka and Kishi, these two I am unsure of who they are, but I believe they are some type of friends to them." Smiled Ikehara. "Well, not exactly friends, but not enemies either...." Tim sighed, crossing his arms. "I'm Octavius and this is Tsukiya."

"Huh, is that so. You boys and girls are making me become interested in what you're truly capable of. But, Ikehara says you're very skilled, we'll just have to see for ourselves." Kanai spoke. "Hah! So you believe we're unworthy, or something?" Codey laughed. "That's no where near to what I've said. But if you see it that way, I cannot help myself but to accept it." In that moment Codey became extraordinarly unamused. "Should've just sticked quiet....."

"You said you were hunting down 'Cloaked Shadow'.... guess it was my mother then...." Kishi seemed to be very upset. "Your, mother was it? Well, she's alive, she escaped into mist, I'm sorry." Kanai answered. "I'd lie if I'd said I'd wanted to see her stay alive, but, I really don't see her being a good mother, not at the event that happened a week or so ago..." Kishi instantaneously faced down at the floor. Meanwhile near Muto.

("Ah, those two have showed up as well. How delicious.... this will be well entertaining, it will be magnificent, hohoho....") Thought Muto, feeling already heated up. ("Finally. I'll truly be able to see, what they are capable of.") Muto smiled, licking his lips. Around 700 examinees have filled up the tunnel, and by the end, many others arrived as well.

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Examinee's Keeping - Fortune Tunnel - Friday 8:10 a.m.]

"Damn, I must say, these people look hella lot strong! I wonder if I'll get to fight them!" Laughed a boy, walkign through the crowd, with his arms put into his pockets. "This will be quite, quite, quite amusing, wouldn't you say so Toyama?" The boy wtih blue hair faced behind him, while he was followed by Toyama. "You're already in competing transition. You should take it a bit slower. But, I must say, they do seem pretty skilled, at least, several of them." Claimed Toyama, walking with a casual and calm face. "Hah! Truly yeah! Anyway, if at least 30 of them make it to the end, I'll be more than proud to see what these people can do..." The guy seemed to have been quite confident into himself. "Seki, maybe you shoud keep it - a rather 'low' profile for now." Claimed Toyama. "Nah! No way! Let these people fear me! I am a Spiritual Duelist after all, they might even be a piece of cake." Laughed Seki, people, spectating them were quite disturbed but at the identical moment confused. "Heesh, you two are really foolish, but you've got the right chocie kid! These people are crazy strong!" Shouted the third guy. "Ah Chino, no need to overestimate them, we can pummel them down, three against 997!" Laughed Seki, in the moment, Chino made a knowing smile. "Sure, just as the same as you did with that girl, she teared you down like a piece of puzzle!" Chino laughed out loud. "Yo! Shut up! That time I was tired, and that girl was using that spear like a toal crazy chick..." Claimed Seki, but while he walked onward, he froze on the spot, seeing a girl, standing besides him, with crossed arms and stoic expression.

For a few seconds, the quiet circled, but Seki looked in every direction multiple times, facing back at the girl. "Why the hell are you here?!" Shouted Seki, pointing at Shiro with a surprised expression. "Oh. Look who showed up, a fool who I've needed to beat down..." Spoke Shiro, dropping her look. "Yo! Don't even say! That duel was a piece of garbage! You were able to use an identically shaped weapon to the ones your Ginken is formed in! While I had to use a stupid hammer! Of course you won! That hammer slowed me down, as if I was fat!" Shuted Seki, yelling at Shiro. "A victory was recieved, this does not mean that I've won because of a weapon, no matter what shape it is, anybody could win, let's just call you a fat loser." Sighed Shiro. "What! Do you wanna go again! I'll trash you down to the bottom this time, you just wait and see!" Both of them began arguing. "Haaaa? Are you kidding? You could barely trash a damn mouse! You didn't even land a single blow on me!" Angrly shouted Shiro. "Don't make this hard woman! The Duel was unfinished in my view! Or should I say! Unfair, god damn it!" The tow of them continued to lean back and forward, yelling and arguing.

"Well.... those two seemed to be getting along pretty well...." Codey was overwhelmed by the confused event. "Yeah. Like two cats fighting..... urgently..." Kanji added. "Come on Seki! Would you calm down! This is no tiem to be bragging with a girl!" Shouted Chino, sighing. "Do you have a problem you four-eyes? This bitch deserves this treatment!" Seki yelled. "Did you just call me a 'bitch'?" Shiro made extremely unorganized face, bursting fury in her eyes. "Yeah! I did, so what! Would you rather be a slut?!" And so, the two of them continued. "This will be a long exam if this continues...." Sighed Toyama, walking forward. "Yo! Toyi! Don't you fricking dare to walk away! Hey! Do you hear me! HEY?!"

Multiple dots appeared above Tim and other's head, having unamused face with squiggly eyes. "Does anybody understand what the hell is happening with them? Seriously, are they on drugs or something?" Codey asked. "Drugs are something else, Codey. I believe you're mistaken." Claimed Kylin. "I couldn't care less...." Codey sighed. "Well, either way, this doesn't seem very-" But before Tim spoke, each of them noticed how Shiro and Seki began arguin and making a dusty cloud, fighting in the middle of the people.... Once again, the dots reappeared.

"Yeeeeeaaaah, this will be interesting........"

To be continued...