229. A sensed combination!

[The Dueling Exam: Arc 11]

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Fortune Forest of Mistiness - Saturday 12:50 a.m.]

"Getting split is something I really didn't intend to to. But I guess it was just duo of time..." Sighed Kylin, looking around. "Yes, I believe, however. I wonder which direction did we get stuck in? I cannot provude us with information, by forcing my senses. The fog and the mistiness is blocking them.... all I can sense are calm breezes of gust..." Shin claimed. "Wait. So all you we can do is just guess???" Yasu wondered, shocked, having low temper. "That's our only hope. But coordinating doesn't rely on guesses, but quite importance to your knowledge." Shin explained. "Where the hell should we go then?" Shoji worryingly asked. "For now, we keep moving forward."

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Fortune Forest of Mistiness - Saturday 12:51 a.m.]

"Damn you! Of course I end up with a sloth like you, you asshole!!" Kazuko yelled running at full speed. "You're calling me an asshole at the event that's going on right now! Fine then! Get your ass squeezed, because I'm going ahead of your damn face right now, bitch!" Yutaku yelled, constantly switching places, back and front. "No you don't! I'm getting ahead of you!" The two of them shouted at the same time as they jumped, but in sudden moment, both of them didn't feel ground and looked aside. "Um...?" Both of them faced down and made squiggly eyes. "A HILL?!" The two of them dropped down and began to roll down the hill like a bowling ball, fused into each other. "Grhh! Garhh! Brrhhh!!" The two of them shouted when they hit a slippery trunk, sliding off it and blasting high in the air. "This is not how I imagined flight would be!" Yelled the two of them, when flying over the trees and making their surroundings surprised, they managed to see a building in 1000 meter mark while in the air. "Wait! It's actually this close?!" The two of them asked. "Aha! I got it, I'm getting North right away! I'm winning this ugly competition!!" Yelled Yutaku, as he dropped down. "You asshole! No way you are! I'm getting ahead of you, and I'll be the first!" She shouted as she dropped down as well, landing back in the fog.

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Fortune Forest of Mistiness - Saturday 12:58 a.m.]

"....This is difficult to look through...." Answered Ayuka, facing ahead at the fog. "Yes. It is very hard. I can't tell if we're going the right way or not..." Answered Midori, running ahead. "We shouldn't rely on luck, we must figure some way of where to go... let's see..." Sakami raised her finger when making it wet with her saliva and let the wind to blow pass. "Generally the wind blows from east to west...." Spoke Sakami. "Doesn't usually it come from north and west?" Wondered Hideki. "No. Generally, prevailing winds blow east-west rather than north-south. This happens because Earth's rotation generates what is known as the Coriolis effect. The Coriolis effect makes wind systems twist counter-clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere." Explained Sakami. "Is that it. But how will that help us?" Wondered Hideki, a bit unsure. "That's just the first step, we are safe to assume that the wind is blowing from that side. While we were at the entrance of the forest, we were faced northern and wind was blowing from East and West. It barely passed any time, so the wind should still be somewhat close to the original stages of blowing, meaning right now, we're facing South, that depends on the rotation of the heatness as well... we can feel warmer wind blow from east, that's where our examiner took those people, and genuinly because of such a small sensations of warm wind, this means we should continue our way forward, when we manage to feel rather cold wind, that will mean that we need to switch directions, because, creatures and humans are constantly moving through this forest, we should assume that the wind is going to be warm, warmer it is, and from what direction it comes, this means simple, the wind also became warmer duo to somebody using a Pyro Type." Claimed Sakami, calm and looking around. "Wait? But that'd blow by now!" Called Midori, confused. "That is true, but there are always marks and hints for as long as your sensation works.... Codey and Shin are probably unable to sense Earth and the Wind, duo to warm footprints of people and flames that came, as well as for the fog and mist. Because, this is the area to where this fire was first created, this means that whoever has done it, went North. And there was the girl I had a close look on, the one with guitar. I believe she was still in touch to feel body heatness and vibrations of movement, since they went north, we should also continue north, meaning the girl with guitar is our safest bet, she must know where to go, meaning, we'll go after them." Explained Sakami. "And it cannot be Tim's fire, he never used it, it was just around then, that we split." Claimed Ayuka. "Correct, and the girl with guitar, seems to be skilled in sensing people's noises, sounds and vibrations. This makes me believe that she is a user of Sono Type, a Type that lets a human create loud noises, music and sense vibrations, vibrations are based on noise so further senses, such as trying to see where they are, is not identical to the way, Codey and Shin see it. They mostly rely on forcing their senses out, but if there is a blockade, they cannot do it, but Vibrations can be heard based on just her Type, she made it to the end very simply, duo to her abilities..." Explained Sakami.

"Right now, we're facing South.... so..... we should go the opposite way...." Claimed Midori. The nods came.

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Fortune Forest of Mistiness - Saturday 1:00 a.m.]

"The hell are you trying to impress you jerkface?" Ellie asked, looking at Sora. "What? Don't you like a firm lady right in front of you." Laughed Sora, giggling and leaning at Ellie's face. "You're a boy! You idiot! Who the hell cares about 'firm female body' if you stupidly are a boy! Where is logic in that!!" Shouted Ellie, pointing at Sora's forehead, smashing his finger point at it. "Now, now! Come on, you seem like you'd love someone like me!" Sora leaned onto Ellie's right shoulder, to when squeezing him forward. "Give me to breath! Give me to breath! You fool!" Shouted Ellie, pushing Sora backward. ("...thought I must say. For him being a boy, he sure can make a mature woman's body...") By being lost in his thoughts, Ellie noticed a thinking cloud of smoke above him. ("Though, a female chest provides with information to how much they size in. He has rather small size of chest. So, a smooth female chest is mostly an average, his is rather trolling.... so by the looks, he has no idea how to make it bigger...") Ellie smiled, closed his eyes, but as soon as he opened his eyes. "Do you like me now?" Sora's chest grew and Ellie's nose bursted in blood, smashing him on the floor. Kanji backed away. "You remind me of Myles...." Kanji said, with twitching eyes. "Now you're perfect-" While lying on the floor, Ellie raised his palm and made a thumbs up. "My calculations exceeded my expectations...."

"All I did was grow my chest size.... what the hell?" Wondered Sora when changing back to a boy, Ellie shook his head and stood up, putting his hand on his mouth and coughed. "Now then, let's get going, I'm planning to reach the end by today." Ellie passed by Sora. "You know. You're going in the wrong direction...." Kanji spoke, when Ellie bursted past him. "I definetly knew that!" At that, when Ellie shouted, Kanji sighed. "Why do I get the ones that are stupid... first an idiotic body changer and now, this guy...." Kanji walked backward. "I'll just get going, before he gets lost. Wait up, Ellie!" Kanji yelled, running after him. "Hey! Don't leave me hanging!!" Sora rushed forward.

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Fortune Forest of Mistiness - Saturday 1:07 a.m.]

"Tim. Tell me something?" Wondered Codey. "Yeah, what is it?" Tim made a turn at him. "Do you know what this thing is, climbing up my arm?" Codey asked looking at the creature. "Um..... it's just a spider...." At that moment, Codey froze on the spot with widely opened eyes.

Dots became appearing above his head. "A SPIDER! Oh hell no! No way, this is something I am not going to partake in! I am out of this test! Good bye!!" Shouted Codey, rushing backward. "Hey! Codey! Stop! You're gonna get us lost!" Tim just saw him slowly disappar. "Waiit! Tim quickly ran after him when Codey continued to swing his arms up and down. "Where is the exit! Where is it! I am not contuing this! Goodbye!!" Shouted Codey. "Just blow it off with your wind! Logical!" Tim shouted, but then came an idea. "Wait. Wind.... that's it." Tim spoke. "Codey! Oh my god... is he deaf... Codey, I got an idea how to get out of here!" As soon as Tim shouted, Codey slipped, standing straight and turned around, sliding in front of Tim, stopping in front of him like a stick, wiggling back and forward. "How...." He seemed to be still paralysed from the fear. Tim flickered a small flame at spider and knocked it to the side. "How strong wind can you make?" Tim wondered. "Erm..... how am I supposed to answer you that?" Tim wondered. "It's simple, you're saying that fog is blocking your senses and cannot tell where others are?" At that Codey made several nods, saying nothing. "Bring out your boomerang, please." Tim claimed, when stepping to the side.

"Huh, what do you mean by that?" Codey asked, scratching his head. "Your boomerang is connected to your body, right. You're only able to sense a few meters, and usually. You can always feel to where the boomerang will stop or how it will return, you create wind from that boomerang that can even fuse with fire... your throws are fast enough and my fire is very sturdy.... if we combine the fire with your wind, it will create a heated atmosphere.... throwing your boomerang very far will result us in some kind of senses..... the fire creates heatness, so it will eliminate most of your affected senses of the fogs. And because the boomerang is connected to you, you have the ability to sense the area.... fire doesn't eliminate wind, it just combines themselves. And this will let you feel the area.." Tim explained.

"Did you just get some kind of a stroke... we don't see ahead of us, how are we supposed to know where the trees are?" Codey asked in confusion. "At the beginning, the path was straight and the trees were asides, if we're still on the path, the boomerang should fly without getting stuck." Tim claimed. "And as you remember, the first exam's path and tunnel, were straight, this path continues through this forest, so, no doubt about it. Eliminating the effects of fogs and mist will let you sense it..." Tim smiled. "Is that even physically possible?" Codey asked. "No, but mixure of what we do, is." Tim explained. "Yeah, I still don't get you. But I'll give it a try." Codey sighed, he called out his boomerang and make it flow in front of him. "Use wind so that infuses with fire." Tim explained. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever..." The wind began to circulate around the boomerang so Tim immediately released fire that wind absorbed. "Ah! Ah! It's hot! It's hot! Hurry up!" Shouted Codey, almost crying when Tim became unamused. "It's Spiritual Fire, if I don't want it to burn you, it won't...." Tim said unamusingly. "Oh...." "Anyway, throw it straight ahead, and please, not too fast... let it ride the win-" But before Tim finished his sentence, Codey created a powerful gust around his body when moving his boomerang behind his back. By making a long stomp and crack in the floor, the grass flew in the air and the boomerang went flying middle first instantaneously at high speed when Tim's hair waved, followed up by his clothes. Codey immediately began sensing the area.

"It... it works... I am able to sense the area for a singular second!" Codey called. "That's exactly what we want, one second of your sensation will led us through this forest!" Tim called with a smile. "When you can sense the movements from the group, notify me and call your boomerang. We're run in that direction as soon." Tim called. "Whoa! Hey! They are actually very close! They are straight up, it seems that we weren't that far split like we thought!" Tim called.

"Great! Then let's hurry and go after them!" Tim shouted, the boomerang turned and spun when it immediately found its way back to Codey, after a few seconds, the boomerang was caught and both of them continued to move.

To be continued...