237. Fortune Mountain?

[The Dueling Exam: Arc 11]

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Fortune Hill - Fortune Lake - Saturday 10:45 a.m.]

Many others have passed and failed, but many have still not yet showed their meals.

"Next one up. Ah, number 712, please." Claimed Kameyo and Shin has finally came by. "Oh, Shin. I wonder what he has in store." Codey thought, interested. "Ah, I haven't had vegetables in a while. Either way, let's see. I can tell, the accessories of the lemons, oranges around the plate are quite stunning. Using honey on the plate as a frame, that's very impressive. How you've put the vegetables together, it looks very beautiful, I'll give it a 10." The rest were surprised. "That's the first examinee who managed to get 10." Claimed Ume, quite amazed. "For the taste." When Kameyo tasted it, her eyes almost sparkled. ("This is so delicious, and it's only vegetables, this is much more tastier then any other meals I was given.") Thought Kameyo. "That's another 10, your total score is 10, congratulations." Others were amused and amazed. "Is she joking? She gave vegetables a perfect score, what the hell!?" Wondered Codey, jealous.

"Shin managed to get a perfect score. That's impressive. I didn't knew he has such skills for cooking." Claimed Tim, standing next to Ayuka. "All right, next is number 610." That was Octavius and he soon came standing in front. "Hm, your accessories, they look fantastic, but you've burnt your boar.... that lowered your final score...." Claimed Kameyo calmly and a bit disappointed. "For the looks, it's 7... but for taste..." Soon at that moment, after she bit, she immediately coughed. "Ew! What the heck did you put in this?! Why would you combine pure water with meat, what was the point of cooking it?!" Asked Kameyo, angry. "B-but. I didn't put much water. What do you mean?" That was quite surprising for Octavius, however, the same guy that was before using puppets to his advantage in the second test, spoke. (".....I cannot let more than 20 people pass the exam. You were the closest guy who I managed to ruin a meal... so all I did was provided great amount of water so that the pig wouldn't even have a taste.") The man thought.

"I know, I did use water to stop the fire, but I promise, I didn't do it this much!" Claimd Octavius. "Well, it doesn't matter, the boar is overcooked and it is way too wet... sorry but that's a one, which means your final score is 3." Claimed Kameyo, that shocked, Eguchi and the rest. "What! Are you joking! There's gotta be a mistake! Even I can confirm he didn't pour too much water on the meat! There's gotta be other explanation!" Called Eguchi. "No comment, you're next, he fails, now get going." Claimed Kameyo. "Of course." Octavius stepped to failure side. "I can't actually believe Octavius failed, I was hoping he'd make it to the end." Midori claimed a bit surprised. "If he is out! Then so am I!" Eguchi in anger threw the meat onto the floor and stepped to the side to where Octavius was. "W-wait, what are you doing Eguchi?! This is not what we came here to do, you still finished your meal, keep going!" Called Octavius. "No way. I'm not passing this exam by myself, guess I'll just wait for the next year." Spoke Eguchi, annoyed.

"Number 713.... you're next." After the end most of the examinees succeeded but another few failed, currently only 20 were left at the success. The next few up were Tim and the rest and the first one up was Codey. "All right, number 674! Get over here and present your meal." Answered Kameyo. Codey stepped but was stressed. "Here it is." "For accessories, I'll give it a 6 and for the taste..... hmm.... 6 as well... all right, your final score is 6, you pass." That was Ellie laugh. "All right next one up is number 675." Kanji came and his scores were set. "Accessories, 8 and taste, 5.... that's a solid 7 of the final score." Next one up was Midori and she managed to get both scores at 8. Next was Yasu, luckily to what Kylin explained, her score ended up at 7. "All right, number 676." Sakami calmly came stepping toward the place and presented her meal, everybody around her smelled the perfectness of the prepared dish. "Oh, you made me quite amazed, accessories, I can't even provide enough informations, it is a perfect score of 10, but for the taste... well, it's a bit, too squishy. But it tastes great, so I'll give it a solid 8. You pass." Smiled Kameyo after Sakami nodded with a thank and stepped aside. "Number 680." Hideki was up next and he was scored of 4 and 7. "You pass, not that shaby. We'll go one number back, you. Number 679." A few left and the next one was Kylin, people almost bursted into tears after seeing how beautiful the meat was. "I would like to say you've overdone the accessories, but you truly made a spectacular dish.... another 10...." Then, Kameyo tasted it and she froze when Kylin flinched. "Oh no! What did I do wrong, I-I am so sorry! Please, I-" However in that instant, Kameyo grabbed her cheeks and fell in love with a dish. "This meal is so delicious! I wish I could score it 11! It's just so perfect! You pass for sure!" Called Kameyo, that made the rest almost drop out.

"Huh, that went differently, eh?" Claimed Ellie, gigglish. "Next one upppp! Number, 677!" Ayuka stepped ahead and was quite focused but after Kameyo noticed it, she instantly gave it a score. "I don't even need to look, I can already smell the aroma, it's amazing, you too get final score of 10." Claimed Kameyo, to confirm she took a bit, but there were no switcharoos. "Well, I suppose we only have three left...." The next one was Midori, and she was given a score of 7. "All right, number 681." Ellie came running ahead. "Here it is!!" Smiled Ellie. "I mean. You didn't do much with accessories, so.... that's uh.... 3...." "No need! The taste will make you amazed!" Called Ellie, but to confirm so, Kameyo tasted it and did make a bit surprised face. "It's not even that bad, but it is a bit overcooked.... I'll give it a 8." Ellie's final score was 5. "Hah! loser! You got less of a number than me!" Yelled Codey, laughing, making Ellie annoyed.

"Number, 673, you are the last." Tim took a step forward and crossed his arms while waiting for Kameyo to give it a taste. ("Another vegetable dish....? The accessories, they seem to be a bit odd, but..... it still is well put together. I must say.... and 'Leaf Growing' coconut...") Wondered Kameyo, facing at the dish. "The accessories, I'll give it a decent 7..." But still, no comment Tim nodded. But then, Kameyo tried the dish out. ("What's this weird taste, I don't think that's enough to-") "I am sorry, but the taste is horrible.... that's a 1-" The rest were shocked. "No, if he gets 1.... then, it is over for him." Claimed Codey worried. "A one you say?" Tim just made a smile, he reached for his pocket and threw a bottle in his arm when saying. "Maybe you should try putting this up first, before tasting it...." Claimed Tim. "Huh? What is that?" Wondered Kameyo. "It's Jade Vine's 'juice'. I managed to make it firstly by wetting the leaves and then slowly dried it out so that its 'taste' dripped within the bottle. You may pour it on the salad, trust me, you won't regret it." Claimed Tim, but without interferences, Kameyo shook the bottle and then pour it on the salad. "Now, just make sure mix it up." Tim explained, still smiling. "Jade Vine.... wetting the leave and then drying it out, of course, the dried out leaves are not good, so I mixed them inside of the salad, to give it additional taste." Tim explained. "So now, please if you'll try it." Tim answered.

In that moment Kameyo tried the salad and a small glow was seen in her mind. ("....I don't understand, how did it.... how did it.... how did it.....") "How did it become so MUCH BETTER?!" Called Kameyo and seemed to be estaticed. "Hold on, you made this salad with mostly leaves, water, vinegar you were given and Jade Vines? You're not joking, are you?" Wondered Kameyo. "You've forgot 'Leaf Growing' coconut, it provided it with a bit of 'sour' taste, that also mixed up the Jade Vine's liquid and that is why it was necessarly to mix it up. I needed to wait for the liquid of Jade Vine to calm down in that bottle so that it would become a bit more 'jelly' a like, that is why I had it in my pocket, before doing so I had to heat it up." Claimed Tim. "But Jade Vine's taste is usually more-like beans? So how did it make such a jelly liquid?" Wondered Kameyo. "All I needed to do is combine it with additional 'Leaf Growing' coconut that made it become more jelly and look like a sauce." Tim explained. "Oh wow. He thought this through way much than what I thought." Codey claimed. ".... Well... I am sorry, but." That made Tim a bit surprised. "I cannot give it a 10, in fact, I will forcibly give it a 11." Smiled Kameyo. The rest of Tim's groups cheered him up. "He actually managed! All of us managed to get through... apart from Octavius and Eguchi!" Called Kanji, estaticed. "All right. I suppose 26 managed to finish the third test." Spoke Kameyo.

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Fortune Hill - Fortune Lake - Saturday 11:00 a.m.]

"....I'm very sorry you two didn't manage to complete the third test." Tim said, stansing in front of the rest. "Don't worry... next time... well... next year, we'll succeed it for sure, do not worry." Explained Octavius calmly. "I would of have passed if you didn't mess this crap up." Sighed Eguchi. "It doesn't matter, there are always other chances! So good luck next year! And make sure to keep a great lookout on Umi Island!" Tim claimed, and Octavius agreed with Eguchi. "We will! But for you, you better pass it, that's something you must do!" Smiled Octavius. "Don't you worry! We'll pass it immediately! Just watch, after we finish climbing, the next 3 tests will be an easy cake!" Codey added and smiled. "It better be! Either way! Good luck again." For the final time thanking, the failures left the area. "And there they go.... I feel bad for those who have failed..." Sighed Kanji. "Don't worry. They said it themselves.... they'll make it next year... but for us, we should keep moving!" Tim spoke.

"YEAH!!" Tim and his allies raised their arms high up in the air while some put in more energy, while hte rest less.

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Fortune Mountain - Saturday 11:30 a.m.]

"And this is where your fourth test will be taken... this is called Fortune Mountain, as before, I will be your examiner for this test as well. But, because each of you hadn't had proper sleep, we have built a small cabin set around the mountain, you'll be given keys to your cabins and from there you will have one day of rest, but in the morning, at 9 am, the fourth test will begin, all the rules will be explained tomorrow. But for now, here are your keys." Everyboy picked up the keys and noticed their cabin number. "So does that mean, we are free to do whatever we'd like this day?" Wondered Midori. "Yes, that is correct, you may rest, or other things, nothing is there to stop you." At that the rest were quite relieved. "Either way, the dinner will be prepared for everybody by the chefs." Claimed Kameyo, smilish. "Sweet! It's like a simple day at hotel!" Laughed Codey.

"Yes, and let's make the most of it, we should rest, but doing additional events won't be problematic." Tim smiled and claimed.

"You got it!"

To be continued...