240. Exchanging 'Henshin'!

[The Dueling Exam: Arc 11]

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Fortune Mountain (5000 meters) - Sunday 10:50 a.m.]

".... Well.... I guess, that's all. Managed to get to the top." When Codey stepped forward he noticed both, Kylin and Ellie, sitting aside. "Of course. You two are there already...." Sighed Codey, annoyed. "Took you long enough, slow-bone." Laughed Ellie when leaning onto the wall. But he slowly reached for Kylin's chest, but in that instant, his face was smashed with Kylin's fist, knocking him on the floor. "Thank you for giving me a seat, lovely friend." Giggled Codey, sitting besides Kylin. "So dumb, why does he get all the love?" Questioned Ellie. "How are others doing?" With curiosity, Kylin asked. "They are doing fine, the only two who struggle a bit are Sakami and Hideki, they don't seem to be using Vanishing Dash. Which I don't know why, but they just don't." Claimed Codey, sighing. "Either way, I bet everybody is going to make it to the top." Codey smiled, stretching his arms.

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Fortune Mountain (1300 meters) - Sunday 10:50 a.m.]

"You know, this is taking kind of too long." Tim said while moving up with Kanji. "You don't say, eh? We only have a few minutes left! How do they expect us to reach 5000 meter mark?!" Questioned Kanji, worried. "How, you ask?" Tim landed at the top of the road. Tim made a smile. "10 minutes left. I guess I should turn up the play!" Tim spoke when swiping his thumb beneath his nose, he crouched and opened his palms and pointed them at the floor. "You can use your Electricity, speed up a lot and you'll get up there in time." Tim spoke. "It's not me who I am worried about! What about the ones at the bottom, Shin, Ayuka, Yasu, the rest!" Called Kanji, that made Tim to stop. "They are 300 meters below...." Tim spoke, but then became serious, he stepped toward the edge of the path and looked down.

"What are you planning to do?" Questioned Kanji in confusion. Tim put his hand on his chin. "Daughter of Godess..... and Nensho was created by her mother...." Tim quietly spoke. "W-what are you planning on doing?" Questioned Kanji, confused. "Ayuka!" With a loud shout, his voice echoed and she stopped after looking up. "Huh.... what is he doing?" Questioned Ayuka, looking up, when Yasu just landed besides her. ("That guy, that asked me about the Nensho went up ahead, he should be near the top now, this means.") Tim claimed. Tim summoned his Ginken to when the fire bursted. "Whoa! Hey! What are you doing?!" Questioned Kanji confused. "Catch!" When the sword went spinning down toward Ayuka. "Wait! What is he planning on doing?!" Questioned Yasu, worried, but Ayuka became serious. "Are you dumb! If she grabs the sword she will be killed!" Shouted Kanji in anger. "Will she though?" Tim wondered and remembered the paralysis effect to which he felt before. "You can't catch it Ayuka! It will kill you!" Shouted Yasu, worried, but with serious expression. "When you grab the sword! Use my Henshin, that should be enough to bring you and Yasu to the top! They mentioned we cannot help them, but at this height they probably cannot see, and besides the point! They never mentioned that helping others will make them disqualified!" Tim spoke, calling to Ayuka.

"Even if! Killing her is still a chance!" Called Kanji in anger!" "Will you settle down, she won't die, not a chance." Tim claimed, being serious. "B-But." "No buts. Just watch and see...." Tim claimed. "You can't be serious, this is so dumb, if something happens to her-" "Yes, sure. If I am wrong, you may push me down a mountain, kill me. But trust me, that won't be needed." Tim said, crossed arms. "But what about the others?!" Questioned Kanji in confusion. "Most of them have specific type that might be advantage to them. Ayuka's type, being Cryo. What she could do is freeze, but that would make slippery for the rest, it doesn't help much. As for Yasu, Ayuka can help her get up." Tim spoke.

"This is so dangerous! There is only 5% of you being able to survive!" Called Yasu. "I can't believe you'd risk her life to go that far!" Yelled Kanji. "I told you! This is not risking her life! It's a fact, she will be able to control it, trust me!" Tim spoke. "After all. That sword, it is connected with an old friend of mine, she will make sure that nothing happens to any of them." Claimed Tim. "When you use Henshin! Use that to your advantage and climb to the top! But when you get to the top, leave the sword stuck in the wall, I'll grab it when I get to the top." Tim spoke, with a serious expression Ayuka closed her eyes and reopened them, raising her right arm and grabbing the handle.

On the contact a spark of light surprisingly glowed around, when the simmilar paralysis from before, was felt both by Ayuka and Tim. Kanji faced away but Ayuka looked at the sword. "Huh. The sword actually releases a calm warmth to my grip." Ayuka claimed. Kanji and Yasu were both surprised. "It worked?! Okay, how the hell would that make sense!" Wondered Kanji, in surprise. "Did you forget? Nensho was created by the Godess herself, she is her daughter so this means, if Godess managed to hold this sword, this means her own daughter can hold it as well." Claimed Tim. "And not just that. The paralysis effect I've felt a year ago, must be something representing that specific bio." Tim explained. "Even if it worked! How do you know she'll be able to use Henshin, it's completely different, she never had one to begin with!" Kanji added, confused. "Henshin is connected to Spiritual Symbolism and Ginken, she has a high Spiritual Symbolism, just like the rest of us. Without Nensho, I am unable to use my Henshin, this means, not holding it, or having it around me." Tim claimed. "Now that you mention it. That chain you usually have connected with Nensho, holds your Ginken, and you never dropped your Ginken while in Henshin stage, is this the reason why?" Questioned Kanji. "Correct, this is my Henshin's weak side, you drop it, you cannot be transformed." Tim claimd, in that moment Ayuka spoke and did a position.

She reached with the sword forward and copied Tim to when he transforms. "He usually does that, right?" Wondered Ayuka. She soon felt her aura flow around her entire body. "I get it..... all right." Claimed Ayuka. ("She won't have the look of clothing like I do, since they are not connected to her, but - all she needs right now is speed and strength, and besides that, she is an Enhancer, she can push Henshin even further than I could." Tim claimed. "How did you come to this, it's kind of confusing, but it's also kind of insane for you to trust your weapon so much." Kanji spoke, calmly. "I just do, if there was no 'trust' in this world, than, how would the world work?" Tim wondered, giving a serious look. "And look, she already understands, all she needed to do is her position correctly." Tim claimed.

In that moment Ayuka spoke, calling the name. "Henshin." With a call, the black energy bursted around her and roared into the sky when the rocks on the sides slipped down. Kanji was surprised. "Black is something I would never see, near Ayuka!" Kanji added. In that moment, Nensho changed its shape into thinner and shorter sword, when Ayuka gained a black chain around her right arm and felt a bit confused. "Whoa! That's exactly how Tim's weapon looked when we fought!" Yasu called. "I guess you are something more than just a teenager!" Called Yasu. "Great job, Ayuka! You know what to do now! Right?" Tim shouted. "Yeah, I know...." Spoke Ayuka, at that she reached for Yasu. "He-hey! What are you doing! Helping is not allowed!" Called Yasu. "Just hold on tight, we'll go with what he says, he knows more than other examinees do." Spoke Ayuka, when making a crouch. At that Ayuka instantaneously appeared next to Tim and Kanji, making Kanji almost drop to the bottom. "Wha'! Combing your Enhancement with Tim's Henshin! Are you a Godess of Speed or something?!" Asked Kanji, shocked. "Are you sure this will work, what about the rest?" Ayuka wondered. "It will work, no need to worry. Every single one of us will make it, and it may only be another 9 minutes, but trust me. They will manage." Tim spoke, calmly. "All right.... good luck." Spoke Ayuka when disappearing, once again. "I didn't know you could use someone else's Henshin!!" Shouted Yasu, being held by the stomach.

"As long as the Spirit and Ginken trust into the wielder, than it is possible. It's like switching powers with somebody!" Called Ayuka, when disappearing.

"All right, Kanji! Let's get our bottoms to the top." Tim claimed when returning back to releasing his fire. "All right, of course." The two of them were now even faster, moving on a row every second.

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Fortune Mountain (570 meters) - Sunday 10:51 a.m.]

"We gotta speed up, we haven't even reached 1000 meter mark and we've been running and climbing for more than two hours almost. There is only 9 minutes left." Hideki spoke. "It's time to use our Ginkens!" Called Sakami, and with gladly done, both of them summoned their Ginkens, their Spiritual Symbolisms increased and their Vanishing Dash was finally used. Same for the ones a few meters down, Shin, Shoji, Midori and others. They all summoned their Ginkens when improving their movements. "Are you kidding! There was like 10 people in front of us, and each one of them is already gone! How fats can these duelists even move at max?!" Questioned an examinee, climbing. By using their Vanishing Dash - combined with Air Step, they knew that they will come to the top at the correct time.

Only 8 minutes remain.

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Fortune Mountain (5000 meters) - Sunday 10:52 a.m.]

Ayuka was running up the mountain when side jumping to the top with full speed, she quickly spun her blade and let it go, stucking it into the wall a few meters below the top for the rest to not be able and see it, her chain disappeared and because the blade was stuck in the wall, it didn't have enough strength to transform back, from there onward, both of them continued to climb up and use their Vanishing Dashes. "So, what was he planning to do - why did he tell you to stuck his sword in the wall?" Questioned Yasu. "Probably so that the rest wouldn't see it. Nensho is targeted by many people. And I believe that Tim came to a conclusion, that one of these people at the exam is hunting down Nensho as well." Explaind Ayuka, and then, finally in a few seconds, the two of them came jumping above. Ayuka and Yasu were awaited by, Kylin, Codey, Ellie, Kyou and Ko, each of them were waiting. "Ah! Another two! Welcome, young ladies." Smiled the examiner, holding his longer beard. "Ayuka! Yasu! You made it! B-but, wait! How, you were behind Tim, how did the two of you manage to get up before Tim and Kanji?" Confusingly asked Codey. "We do not talk about it here, all right." Claimed Ayuka. "What we do talk about - however, is them coming up." Ayuka added.

[Planet Earth - Fortune Island - Fortune Mountain (2300 meters) - Sunday 10:52 a.m.]

"Speeding up was the correct option! We managed to cover so many meters, just by using our maximum power of techniques, and it only passed about 1 or 2 minutes." Smiled Kanji. "Keep in mind, the mountain is not actually 5000 meters long, but they measured it for the path, path swirles around and goes up, because we don't walk on them and we are skipping the mountain, we cover at least additional 500 meters in a single jump, we were using paths like a bunch of idiots, while the mountain is probably not even that tall, look, you can see the top of it! This was just a trick, to think that we won't be able to get to the top! This is the reason of why, examiner recommended us that we skip the rows. Meaning, all of us who are skipping the rows will manage to get to the top, they didn't tell us the size of the mountain, but the length of the path."

To be continued...