(2021) The circulation of Ping-Pong!

[100,000 views - Special Chapter]

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Innerlight City's Guild - Tuesday, 8:20 a.m.]

The daylight rose and the white clouds have ruled the sky, the opened wind gently breezed along the city once Tim finally awoke from his early-night sleep, but right on the event of that happening, his eyes noticed a face in front of him, enthusiastically facing at him.

"Tim! Did you know, you've finally reached 100,000 views!" In the instant of the shout, Tim felt unamused. "The hell are you talking about?" Ayuka appeared and quickly grabbed her phone, swinging it in front of Tim's face. "Look, your story has reached 100,000 views! Isn't that amazing?!" Laughed Ayuka, when a sweat dripped down Tim's face. "Hey. Just because I was put in decision of two different names, this doesn't mean the story is mine!" Tim yelled in an immediate jumpscare, backing off. "Well. Just because a friend of you managed to change your personal name, from which was supposed to be 'Ken'. This doesn't mean the story isn't yours!" Smiled Ayuka, putting up her personal position. Tim faced to the side with a gentle sigh.

"Hey! What are you exhaling at! It's time we get the party started!" Shouted Ayuka, complaining. "P-party! What party?! I never confirmed I'd join the party!" With unawareness, he crossed his left arm in front of his chest. "It's time we go play some Ping-Pong!" She claimed, putting both of her arms on her waist.

"Ping-Pong? Can you explain to me, how's Ping-Pong a party?" Ayuka grabbed her chin with a spark in her eyes, making a grin. "It was totally not because you didn't know what too-" Tim immediately jumped at her and grabbed her mouth to shut her down. "Hey! We won't talk about that! Do not let the readers know!" With unamusement, Ayuka sighed. "Mhrmmhrmmhrm....." "I'll let go of your mouth, if you promise to not tell them." Without disturbance, Ayuka nodded. "Good, then as soon as I'll let go, you won't say a thing-" But while Tim let go, Ayuka clashed out. "It's totally not because you didn't know what else to do!" Tim immediately opened his palms. "You agreed to not tell them!!!"

"Well, maybe if you actually would done something better, then I might of have not said it." Smiled Ayuka, crossing her arms. "Excuse me?! Hey, talk to the one who's writing this thing, anyway!" He pointed directly into the direction of the screen. "You're breaking the fourth wall again.... Talking to the ones who read.... You've gotta stop doing that." Sighed Ayuka, grabbing the edge of her forehead. "Hey! Not like they'd realize! Especially if you didn't mention the part of where-" But Ayuka stopped Tim right from the spot. "So, should I not mentioned the part on where you sucked at writing?" Tim's eyes widened. "My writing didn't suck-" But when he exchanged looks with Ayuka again, he sighed. "All right, maybe it did, a little, tinsy bit... But...."

"No, it actually sucked."

"You're a made-up character I've come up with! You shouldn't be talking like that, who made you do it?!" But Tim immediately fell into disappointement and quickly changed his own sentence. ".... You're right.... I did..."

"Now, then. Should we continue with what I was saying earlier. Because of you being dumb, we have Ping-Pong in our script, meaning we'll be visting Innerlight City's Ping-Pong Course." Upon explanation, Tim sighed at her. "You didn't need to mention it twice. Furthermore, aren't you supposed to be a 'Semi-Godess', you could simply just change the script?" Tim waved up and down with his both arms, significantly annoyed. "That's the only thing that's not in my power. Besides, as long as readers don't come reading this chapter before they read the actual story, then there won't be any spoilers. Now, would you stop complaining at every little detail and just prepare yourself for the game?" Questioned Ayuka, calmly. "I've just woke up, can't I even get some fresh water and food?" She wondered, confused. "I've already prepared it. So, go on, sure. But then, we're immediately going to that playground!" She grabbed the back of Tim's head and pulled him closer to her face, giving him a terrifying look, in where Tim felt unamused. "I'm glad you did what I told you too..." Due to his fear, he immediately dashed down the stairs, leaving Ayuka behind and faced to 'your' direction. "I swear, if he doesn't stop making me a cook, I'll-"


"Since Tim's busy eating, I'd like to begin with explanation to what Ping-Pong is, if you by any chance don't know what it is;

Table tennis, also known as ping-pong and whiff-whaff, is a sport in which two or four players hit a lightweight ball, also known as the ping-pong ball, back and forth across a table using small rackets. The game takes place on a hard table divided by a net. Except for the initial serve, the rules are generally as follows: players must allow a ball played toward them to bounce one time on their side of the table and must return it so that it bounces on the opposite side at least once. A point is scored when a player fails to return the ball within the rules. Play is fast and demands quick reactions. Spinning the ball alters its trajectory and limits an opponent's options, giving the hitter a great advantage.

Table tennis is governed by the worldwide organization International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF), founded in 1926. ITTF currently includes 226 member associations. The table tennis official rules are specified in the ITTF handbook. Table tennis has been an Olympic sport since 1988, with several event categories. From 1988 until 2004, these were men's singles, women's singles, men's doubles and women's doubles. Since 2008, a team event has been played instead of the doubles.

The sport originated in Victorian England, where it was played among the upper-class as an after-dinner parlour game. It has been suggested that makeshift versions of the game were developed by British military officers in India around the 1860s or 1870s, who brought it back with them. A row of books stood up along the center of the table as a net, two more books served as rackets and were used to continuously hit a golf-ball.

The name "ping-pong" was in wide use before British manufacturer J. Jaques & Son Ltd trademarked it in 1901. The name "ping-pong" then came to describe the game played using the rather expensive Jaques's equipment, with other manufacturers calling it table tennis. A similar situation arose in the United States, where Jaques sold the rights to the "ping-pong" name to Parker Brothers. Parker Brothers then enforced its trademark for the term in the 1920s making the various associations change their names to "table tennis" instead of the more common, but trademarked, term.....

This was totally not copied over by the wikipedia, due to Tim's terrible description, of course and no knowledge of the Ping-Pong history." Once Ayuka claimed so, Tim claimed from the corner of the door. "Come on! Stop revealing everything!"

"I told you to go eat and drink! Stop interrupting me!" Shouted Ayuka, in annoyance. "Fine!"

"As I said, basically Ping-Pong is a sport that does involve to minimum of two players. Soon as he finishes, eating. We'll go do a match against Codey and Kanji, which.... Uh. They're not here yet, for some reason." But in that instance, both Kanji and Codey came slamming through the ceiling down. "We're here!" As the two of them sat on Tim's bedroom floor. ".... Tim won't be happy about this one...." Ayuka sighed, grabbing her forehead. "What the hell happened! I heard a gigantic-" But once Tim came from the corner of the door, again, he became white and frozen as a breeze of wind slightly blew past. Ayuka quickly shut the door in front of his face, once knocking him back. "Anyway-"

"My ceiling!!!!" Tim's yell was heard behind the door.

"What are you doing, you were supposed to come from the door, not the ceiling?" Questioned Ayuka, embarrassed. "Hey. I only do what I'm told to do, not what I decide to do." Codey crossed his arms with annoyance. "We all do whatever we're supposed to do, but who came up with the idea of dropping through the ceiling?" Questioned Ayuka, with a sweat drop, slowly dripping down her left side of the face. "Who else, ya think?!" Codey questioned.

"Anyway! Before we get on Tim's nerves, we should follow the script, so now you two are supposed to escape from Tim." Claimed Ayuka, holding the script in her right hand. "Why the hell would we run from him? I'm not scared of him, he can't do anything to me! I'm too important for this book of his!" With complains coming over and over from Codey's mouth, Ayuka sighed. "He can do very, very terrible things to you, just like he abused my existence and injured me ever since the start, almost, right?"

"Y'know! You're right! Let's hurry Kanji!" Both of them jumped through the window when the door opened. "Where are they?!" Tim seemed to have been burning in anger and disappointement. "Window." Ayuka gave him a hint. "You two! Get back here!"

"Anyway, since Tim's probably trying to waste time on our conversations, we'll skip to where the match begins, now roll the clip!" Ayuka spun her finger and the surroundings changed.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Innerlight City's 'Ping-Pong Course' - Tuesday, 8:20 a.m.]

"How the hell did we end up here, from running away?!" Codey questioned on the opposite side of the tennis table. "You forgot! Ayuka managed to skip our 'nearly-beated-up' existence!" Kanji sighed, grabbing his right arm after crossing them. "Okay, seriously. Who plays Ping-Pong as a damn party?!" Tim leaned onto the table, annoyed. "Hey! Get off that table! You know you're not supposed to lean onto these type of tables!" Shouted Codey, complaining. "Why did I make you so 'complain-filled'....?" Tim stood back up straight. "Hey, be happy that you've picked me as the second protagonist." With confidence, Codey smiled. "That's supposed to be Ayuka."

"Do not talk to me like that!" Codey pointed at Tim and both of them began to argue. "You know. Codey, you should be happy you're the third protagonist, I'm not even a protagonist." Claimed Kanji, jealous. "Who the hell cares! I'm supposed to be his 'friend'? So why the hell did he put Ayuka in the second spot?!"

"Hey! Semi-Godess' are more important than some Half-Demons! I could make her erase you if I wanted to!" Tim and Codey kept stretching and pointing their arms and fingers over the table. "You wouldn't dare, who would be your Half-Demon protagonist, then?! And stop talking in first person, already!" Shouted Codey. "I'll do whatever I'm supposed to do, unlike you!"

"Unlike me?! I wouldn't be doing this if you didn't made me, fool!"

"That's supposed to be Ayuka's prior word, not yours!"

"Okay, please, can we skip this part, it's terrible." Sighed Ayuka, waving with her list. "No! We aren't skipping anything, let them see what I must go through-"

"I said to SKIP this part!" With full force and stretch of her arms behind her back, Ayuka swung her book directly into Tim's face, the ground shattered as the Ping-Pong table broke into pieces, the white aura bursted as the wind curled around the table, blowing the fallen pieces into the air, shutting Codey up. "I hope he has the second table, cause this one is surely not gonna work." Kanji claimed

"Oh, no worries. We'll just re-roll the clip."

"Come on! I'm almost at 2000 words! How much more do I need to type down!?"

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Innerlight City's 'Ping-Pong Course' - Tuesday, 8:20 a.m.]

"See, everything worked. The course is fine and the table is full." Ayuka smiled. "Can we just get to the point?" Wondered Tim, annoyed.

Each of them gained smaller rackets in their palms, holding them. "Hey, I've never played Ping-Pong, do you really expect me to do good?" Tim faced at Ayuka, holding the racket somewhat incorrectly. "Just make it so that you know, you've probably played it in school." Added Ayuka, holding her forehead again. "Okay, how many times do you plan on making her hold her forehead?" Codey asked, pointing with his rackets at Tim.

"I said something stupid, didn't I? These are the perfect moments for that! Besides, I've made you two smart like a bunch of nerds, at least Kanji knows how to handle himself without pushing out his intelligence." Tim complained, once again. "Before we need to re-roll the clip! Let's just begin!"

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Innerlight City's 'Ping-Pong Course' - Tuesday, 8:25 a.m.]

The match was about to begin, while the four of them looked at each other. "Okay, this is uncomfortable." Tim spoke. As soon as Ayuka tried to make a service, she stopped. "Are you serious? Can we just begin?" Ayuka asked, dropping her left arm. "Fine! Just do the service already!"

Finally Ayuka threw the ball in the air and prepared her racket. "This is not tennis, don't throw it that high!" Tim complained and as soon as Ayuka tried to hit the ball, she missed due to interruption. "Hah! That's a point for us!" Codey immediately made a 'making-fun-out-of' face and pointed with his racket at them. "What are you doing to me?! You're making me look like a moron! Can you for once make me look decent at something?!" Ayuka asked, questioning when complaining. "Hey, you're supposed to be much more powerful than anyone of us! I've even gave you your own 'Henshin'!" Tim spoke, standing up straight and accidentally hitting the edge of the table with his racket. "I really do hope that your 'Inner Fiend' takes over you!" She complained. "Who would you like then?" She immediately twisted her racket. "You've made me 'like' you!"

"I did it because so many of my friends that read wanted that to see, anyway, shall we-" But.....

"W-wait, what are you doing?" Once again, Ayuka swung with her arm, striking Tim in the face, this time using her racket and once again, the floor shattered and the table was broken, the wind circulated and immediately got blown in the air as the white aura ruled around her.

"COME ON! This is the second time!" Codey yelled.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Innerlight City's 'Ping-Pong Course' - Tuesday, 8:25 a.m.]

- Third take -

Finally Ayuka managed to successfully spin the ball and hit it with her racket, as it bounced over their side onto the Codey and Kanji's side and bounced at them. "I got this one!" Codey immediately grabbed the racket which he held in his right hand and twisted his movement in the wrist, bouncing the ball over the web as it bounced over Tim's right side of the table.

Because Tim noticed that the ball was curling, he needed to quickly make a step back and in that moment quickly hit the ball back on the opposite side of the table, due to the rules, Kanji was next on the spot and he immediately noticed how Codey stepped aside to give Kanji some space, but in that moment, Kanji hit his elbow in the edge of the table and missed the ball as it flew over his hand, and a score was given.

Codey faced behind his back and then immediately faced at Tim. "Why the hell are you making us lose! Don't make Kanji seem like a fool!" Shouted Codey, once again, complaining. "'Cuz I can....'"

"Don't you dare! Make it fair you moron!" Shouted Codey, in anger. "Fine! All right, but the first point is still ours." Tim yelled. "No! You've cheated using your 'writing'. So give us the point, just for that reason!"

"No way! I'm not giving you the point, just because of that!" Tim shouted, angrily. "Just give them the point, all right?" Ayuka spoke. "God! Fine! Let them have it!"

The score was now 1-0, for Codey and Kanji.

Codey smiled and crossed his arms. "That's more like it."

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Innerlight City's 'Ping-Pong Course' - Tuesday, 8:30 a.m.]

The match continued, and this time, both teams began to play fairly.

Tim swung with his right-handed racket as the ball went hitting the opposite side of the table and it accidentally bounced high up.

Luckily Kanji quickly jumped up and swung his left-handed racket and hit the ball down at the opposite side of the table, Tim got surprised and crouched when the ball went flying over his head, luckily Ayuka went jumping behind his back in her left-handed racket and blocked the ball as it bounced onto the opposite side.

"Come on! Stop making us look worse compared to her!" Shouted Codey when he immediately tried to hit the ball, but it curled and he missed it. "Are you joking?!" Codey asked, surprised. Tim quickly peeked over the edge of the table. "Oh.... She scored..." He quietly spoke, embarrassed.

"You've made her score! What are you talking about?!" Codey grabbed the flat side of the table with both hands and leaned over the table. "Hey! You were one point ahead of us! You wanted it fair, so I'll make it fair." Tim spoke, careless about the event. "How can you make something like this fair, once we reach 20 points, two us will have to win, anyway?!" With concern, Codey asked. "Well, guess you'll just have to see, huh?"

"You idiot!"

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Innerlight City's 'Ping-Pong Course' - Tuesday, 8:33 a.m.]

Codey served the ball over the table and made Tim to quickly hit it back. Kanji quickly followed up with stretch of his left arm and blocked the ball. Ayuka prepared but in that moment, Tim jumped in front of her and hit the ball. "Hey! That was supposed to be my ball!" She shouted, annoyed. While Kanji tried to bounce it back, Codey immediately hit it back. "Are you serious, you do know that this was supposed to be our ball-" But from that point, Tim and Codey began to hit balls, cross and cross, over the table, left and right, fast and slow.

Without noticing, Ayuka and Kanji slowly backed away, next to each other. "Why would he even make them do that?" Questioned Kanji, confused while unsure of what to say. "I have no idea-"

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Innerlight City's 'Ping-Pong Course' - Tuesday, 10:30 p.m.]

Ayuka and Kanji were sitting on the bench as the lights of the city were barely lightening up the city, both of them seemed to have been tired and bored, with Ayuka leaned onto her right palm and having it supported by her right thigh. "Are they still going at it?" Ayuka was in need to yawn, when trying to keep watching the ball, which bounced right and left, over the table, the hits of the rackets were heard and their yelling and arguing was heard among the night. "Should we just go back to the Guild?" Wondered Kanji, leaned onto the back of the bench.

"As long as he doesn't make me get touched by Myles or Ellie, I'm fine with it..." Spoke Ayuka, quietly, when Tim immediately faced at her and pointed his racket at her.

"You know that's not stopping! Myles and Ellie are both those type of characters and I am not planning to quit it any time soon! Besides, Ellie has decided himself to be the pervert! I'm just taking their wishes!" While Tim continued to complain at Ayuka, the final hit of the ball was heard and the ball went flying back his neck, on the floor.

"Yes! 21! Me and Kanji win!" Shouted Codey, screaming and making fun out of Tim. "Hey! I was looking at Ayuka! Talking to her!" Tim instantly spoke. "Well, then stop looking at girls and focus on the game! Not my fault, it was your own." With a well known smile, Codey giggled.

"But- It's- Ugh! Fine, whatever, let it be, you win!" Tim shouted.

"Woo-hoo..... we lost." Ayuka sighed, but her enthusiasm was poor. "I couldn't even care more if we won, I'm tired, I'm going to the Guild." Kanji stood up and was followed by Ayuka, and at the end by Tim and Codey.

To be continued...

(Please if you read this after you read AUTHOR'S THOUGHT, only because it didn't allow me to write down more than 500 words. - This continues from where the AUTHOR'S THOUGHT was stopped)

Here is another note that you've probably never knew:

This story was originally written privately to my friends and due to my lack skills of writing, I decided to remake it completely.

As much as my friends told me about - not being bad story - I've tried my best to improve it and remake the Arcs, meaning that every arc that was used in this story was not in the original story.

- At the beginning of the remake, my skills of writing were still quite bad and it kind of made me annoyed and intended to improve, which at later chapters allowed me to succeed in improvement.

- I will admit it, some moments were based on several animes, and I won't be afraid to list them down (After this)

- The story that was originally written privately was mostly happening in the 'The World of Zero' in which the story involved multiple 'Duels', but to focus on the story I've decided to decrease the dueling number by a huge number, due to being just a filler events.

- There were 4 Characters from original story -

1. Katorishi Codey

2. Kirashito Ayuka

3. Masahiro Ellie (Who was firstly known as Thundere Ellie)

4. Shinkaku Timoshī (Which was then supposed to be named Shinkaku Ken, in this remake - but as I said before, my friends wanted to enlist my own name in the story due to keeping the story protagonist somewhat similar; Ellie and Codey were the names that they've decided to use, if these are their real names or not, I won't share)

- Kirashito Ayuka is the only PROTAGONIST that was made by my own decisions, apart from the main protagonist of course.

- Zero Godess and Demon God Rez were also the two characters that were from the original story, so those two aren't new, nor them each having a child.

- To make it clear; The story hasn't showed Rez much, due to still having many arcs before it, and as the main antagonist, he'll be important in the future.

Now, here is the list:

- The first thing that I've based something from an anime was Tim's sword having similar shape of the one character from Bleach - Ichigo Kurosaki

- Rescuing Ayuka Arc was another arc that gave me an idea from Bleach

- The Exam: The Running exam and the Cooking exam were somewhat similarly based on Hunter x Hunter and the Spiritual Control Titles

- Everything else was come up by myself, however, you may consider Henshin and Kodachi state to be similar to Bleach's transformation.

Now, everything that was revealed in this 'Author's Thought' I'd like to thank you for even reading the story. I never imagined I would actually ever reach 100,000 views nor have I imagined I'd publish it on the web.

I hope you'll still like it, even though some things were based of other animes, but that's just to why I've decided to make story, to show my love of Anime and my decisions that my friends make, thank you for reading this 100,000 special and I'll be making more chapters in the future.

(Note: This was written before 100,000 views, so I hope I'll be able to publish it, which I'm not afraid I that wouldn't happen.)

Even if you have stopped reading this story and don't see it, I'm thankful for helping me reach such a high number in my life, see you in the 'Demon's War' arc!