287. The 'Universal Battlefields': The Memories of triggering regrets! - Part 6

[Demon's War (Recovery of Allies): Arc 13]

Year 2003 the Light has soon appeared and the newly born girl has shined over the humanity's responsibility.

The birth that once appeared had been now unknown for the entire Human Society and her existence was yet unknown, nor was it seen.

With the born girl's full-caring personality from baby's perspective, this girl was sent onto the Planet Earth to secretly live a Human's Life, without even herself knowing what she truly was.

Now, in the year 2019 the first human coming in contact with this girl was a 16 year old Teenager boy, who had become the next Substitute-Duelist and the ally of the potential future Godess.

Through the year of their meeting, the Substitute-Duelist never understood why her existence was so important and even before he managed to understand, his promises to keep her protected was a significant shock.

Due to this girl's crooked knowledge about herself, even herself couldn't believe what a mere human had spoken, but until now, year 2020, this teenager had held his promise straight and never let go, but due to the accident of her ally falling and seeing her 'killed', the teenager gave into his inhumane actions, and the first appearence of the disordered 'Fiend' all he had seen was a revenge over this girl's 'killer'.

But then, in sudden appearence, after this teenager finally broke the seal that kept his humanity hidden, the Demon God himself appeared out of nowhere and claimed that he'll use the power of both, The Semi-Godess and the Substitute-Duelist, for himself and without wasting time, the two teenager were both held, unconscious in Demon God's palm, taken to the underworld.

But due to the Demon God not being aware, his own son, known as the Half-Demon entered the underworld and was put under a difficult responsibility...

....Katorishi Codey, his hatred toward father was seen and as much as his fear prevailed over, he never let go of his allies.

In the unexpected, this Half-Demon promised himself to bring back, both Kirashito Ayuka the Semi-Godess and Shinkaku Timoshī the Substitute-Duelist to once again see Humanity.... To achieve this goal, his journey will be hard, long and with the Demon God in front of him, he's aware that his risks of entering the underworld might ended up in fighting his own father.....

[Underworld - Jail Cell Keeping - Friday, 1:25 p.m.]

In success of Ayuka defeating her opponent Ryota, she had followed the staircase and hopefully reach Tim as soon as possible.

But while she successfully defeated her opponent, Tsuneo himself was a bit stuck at struggling, while Tim and Codey had both reached their opponents, to which, if they want to reach Rez, this will their next opponents.

Tim made a sturdy position and immediately a blue aura began to be summoned and began to twist around his body, creating pressure that forced a tense wind to appear. The blue aura continued to rule upon the battlefield and Mi's cheecks have already began blushing due to the tense pressure, coming from mere 'transformation'. Tim's clothes immediately transformed into a different type, once a black robe appeared, dressed on his body, with the white and wide hip ribbon it tighed itself around, holding the kimono to be dressed once his daily uniform seemed to have been now changed into Spiritual Duelist's robe. In the moment of doing that, he sweeped with his right arm behind his back and immediately grabbed the large sword and immediately grabbed it with his left hand.

A sharp knife-like blade appeared reaching out with its sharpness at which point, his blue aura continued to surround his body, lightening up his eyes, but in the next few seconds, once a powerful wind squirked over the area, his aura disappeared and he was once again transformed into his Spiritual Duelist.

[Underworld - Jail Cell Keeping - Friday, 1:25 p.m.]

"Sooo cool! I just can't wait, the burning blood in your eyes and body is so thirst-worthy! I can't consist someone's blood at full, but you'll be an exception!" With a bent of her body ahead, Mi made a heavy step and dashed with her knife at Tim who'd been a bit concerned about her actions. ("She's really kind of different from the other Demons. Usually the Demons intend to eat their prey, but she just intends to have blood thirst?") Tim believed correctly and without a doubt, he was in for a treat of dueling.

Mi continued to be crazy about Tim's blood and had her smile shown constantly. She leaped with a trigger of her left foot to spin and immediately spun her body in the air, kicking backward with her right leg when Tim had immediately dodged by ducking below her legs, but right in the moment he successfully noticed the next motion of her leg, it was kicked down to hopefully strike the top of his head, but it was easily blocked by Tim raising his sword above his head.

The foot struck the blade's flat and in the moment of that event, Tim truly noticed the Enhancing Spirit that was rustling out from outward of Mi's body, to have sensed such a threat, he noticed a sample to where a powerful crack on the ground rose and caused the surrounding areas to construct piles of rocks. ("Her Physical Strength is equal in Ayuka's own. If that's just in her human form, then how much Pressure does she tend to release at her Half-Demon transformation? For what I saw from Codey, his entire Symbolism increased above my own while in Spiritual Dueling State, it exceeded my for at least three times the amount of my pressure, but she has already equalized her Pressure with Ayuka's own.") Tim had backed away by releasing his aura and pushed Mi's feet into the air by using his strength and knocking her in the air.

However she had been giggling while riding the air as if she was meant for such nature, but while her body was twisting itself in the air, Tim had moved his blade to the side and released his blue aura at which point he immediately swung the sword from right onward in an oblique shift and unleashed a blue slice which continued to fly through the air and targeted Mi. But while Mi's body was in the air, leaned backward she smiled and waited for the attack too avoid it.

To do so, she noticed the slice preparing to cut but in the nick of Time, she immediately spun her body above the energy at which point she reached for underneath her jacket and dragged out a pair of knives in which case Tim did not notice before it was let go and just noticed a twist in Mi's right wrist at what point she threw them by facing into Tim's direction. ("Knives?") Tim quickly slipped his left foot from the floor and disappeared in vanishing.

However once seeing that the knives were stuck in the wall and even crushed several pieces of it, he then felt a pressure immediately appearing from behind his position. He hurried along with a twist and tried to swing his blade.

But due to being rather late, he noticed and felt a heavy kick into his face, forcing him to be strangled back and from that moment successfully noticed the next shift. "Such a nice and precious face would indeed need somebody to look over, wouldn't you say?" At Mi's gigglish acent she immediately landed on the floor and dashed with her blade forward once Tim hurried along by jumping back in the air, avoiding Mi's slash. "Aw, I was so close to cutting you. Why would you run?" But even while she had fun time over her duel, she immediately crouched and leaped at Tim who was high in the air. ("Her fighting style isn't normal for Demons either. Usually Demons don't use accuracy to their advantage, nor do they use a fake out.")

Mi swirled her sword and slashed at Tim who had swung the sword in front of him and blocked, in effectiveness of blocking, Tim was then able to used a quick movement of his Air Step and then disappeared from the spot and landed on the floor in the distance, after spinning his body around and unleashed raging flames from his sword. By using his 'Infernal Laceration' he unleashed a burning attack in the shape of a cross at which point it flew up at the air, making Mi to have a gentle twitch of her eye, for that moment she immediately disappeared from the spot and instantly appeared on the ground at the distance at which point the floor rose and her face seemed to have been purely serious and somewhat clear.

Tim who believed that his opponent would absorb the attack ended up a bit confused but fixed his sword.

He noticed Mi standing straight up and her smile with blushing cheeks had once again appeared in front of her. "That was a cute attack you just unleashed, what's it called, may you tell me?" She questioned while being rather calm. Tim stretched his left arm backward while bent his right and moved his sword's handle in front of his stomach with a sharp point in her direction. "The names don't matter. Besides, you've probably heard about it if you've had such a close sight on me." Tim said while calmly breathing. ("She seems to be fine right now, but what was that instant change in her expression once she noticed such attack. Was it just a mistake or something that would fake me out?") Tim made a step to the side while facing right at Mi. "All right. No need to speak it out, then. I'll just continue whatever we've been doing right now, lovely opponent." Again, her giggle reached out.

[Underworld - Jail Cell Entrance Gate - Friday, 1:25 p.m.]

Tsuneo was in need to back away at which point Kiyoshi had already disappeared in a red energy, catching Tsuneo surprised when seeing Kiyoshi's knee flying from the floor into Tsuneo's face. Due to him unable to dodge, his face was slammed into the rough knee of Kiyoshi's leg and has then easily knocked Tsuneo backward to which point Tsuneo tried to surf the ground by gathering balance.

"Why must I deal with the weakest of those brats? It's almost a babysitting job." Claimed Kiyoshi while scratching the side of his face. Tsuneo cleaned his blood from the nose and was still a bit strugglish. Kiyoshi sighed and then disappeared from the spot to which point he appeared in front of Tsuneo again and catching him surprised, after a spinning shift, the next kick was thrown at Tsuneo and was then followed up by pressing a heavy punch into it, knocking him back while sliding Tsuneo backward on the ground to which point he was near the edge of the pit.

Tsuneo faced at the bottom and saw a flowing lava at which point he was stressed. ("If I fall down there. There's no way I would be able survive such heat.") While Tsuneo was stressed and couldn't know what to do, he slightly began to notice how Kiyoshi was walking toward Tsuneo. "Before you get hit and fall down into the Lava, would you explain to me... What was the point of coming here if none of you would survive? Even if you'd managed to somehow go through us, beating our Lord is impossible. More to cover the explanation. You Symbolisms are just not strong enough to equal our Lord. We've been entrusted by him to kill you and his son while steal your other two friend's Spiritualities. It's really not worth the effort. You haven't managed to hit me once, while you've been topped by my own power. You can't even withstand basic hits, how would you stand a sword's metal? If there was at least something you could do." Sighed Kiyoshi putting his right hand in his pocket while holding his sword in his left palm.

With a very annoyed and bored face, Kiyoshi moved his sword. "It's no wonders why Maya was killed, because you stood there in fear, cowardly and not moving an inch of your body. If you'd just enter." Claimed Kiyoshi, spitting.

And while unexpected memories flowed back into Tsuneo's had with his eyes fully disappointed, he froze on the spot while a sweat began to drop down his face. ("H-How does he know that? E-either way.... He's n-not wrong, Maya DID die because of me being kept back like a coward. It's so fluid, it's so disturbing! I couldn't have done anything, while Codey managed to stop his own ally from going crazy. W-why was I such a coward. Spiritual Duelists find fear all the time, for the first time, the fear I felt was so tremendous, I've left Miss. Maya to die because I couldn't have stopped her killer.... But- She always supported me to become a great Spiritual Duelist, while all I did was obey her orders. I shouldn't have listened, I should've have entered before she died, damn it...") Tsuneo was lost in his mind while he was constantly seeing the movement of 'expected' death.

"You're just a brat and there is nothing you can do to change. So I believe for the cowards like you, there is no worth to keep you alive." As soon as the sword was slashed down, Tsuneo's mouth angered and in the instance of doing that, his knife was swung upward at which point Kiyoshi's eyes became confused.

At the moment that Tsuneo had blocked Kiyoshi's slash, he gave a stressed, disappointed face while letting go of his tears. "Miss. Maya, you're right. She died due for me not doing anything and wasting my time obeying her commands! I should've have ignored her and entered, no matter the fear she was expressing! But just because of that, I plan on changing, being a coward is the most filthy emotion I'd ever dared to see, and I've done it just as expected!!! But.... Allowing someone else to kill me while I haven't even paid off that debt is unacceptable. For that stupid 'cowardly event' that I've expressed, I'll put you down for good, if that means dying in return!" While Kiyoshi's eyes felt pure fury in Tsuneo's face he immediately felt a responding Pressure that began to climax around the area. With the white aura raging around frm Tsuneo's body, a massive light increased and flew up in the air when shaping a raven's body, the floor began to emit Earthquake while the lava erupted from behind Tsuneo's body, with a powerful Enhancement of his body, Tsuneo successfully pushed his arm forward and easily knocked Kiyoshi backward at which point Kiyoshi's body almost dropped and became surprised.

Kiyoshi faced at Tsuneo at which point his eyes released a blue spark which then simply shifted into a lens flare that continued to work.

"And to accomplish that..."

"...I'll kill you!" Tsuneo's eyes widely opened when the white aura fully emit itself from Tsuneo's body...

To be continued...