289. The 'Universal Battlefields': The battle among the Half-Demons! - Part 8

[Demon's War (Recovery of Allies): Arc 13]

Year 2003 the Light has soon appeared and the newly born girl has shined over the humanity's responsibility.

The birth that once appeared had been now unknown for the entire Human Society and her existence was yet unknown, nor was it seen.

With the born girl's full-caring personality from baby's perspective, this girl was sent onto the Planet Earth to secretly live a Human's Life, without even herself knowing what she truly was.

Now, in the year 2019 the first human coming in contact with this girl was a 16 year old Teenager boy, who had become the next Substitute-Duelist and the ally of the potential future Godess.

Through the year of their meeting, the Substitute-Duelist never understood why her existence was so important and even before he managed to understand, his promises to keep her protected was a significant shock.

Due to this girl's crooked knowledge about herself, even herself couldn't believe what a mere human had spoken, but until now, year 2020, this teenager had held his promise straight and never let go, but due to the accident of her ally falling and seeing her 'killed', the teenager gave into his inhumane actions, and the first appearence of the disordered 'Fiend' all he had seen was a revenge over this girl's 'killer'.

But then, in sudden appearence, after this teenager finally broke the seal that kept his humanity hidden, the Demon God himself appeared out of nowhere and claimed that he'll use the power of both, The Semi-Godess and the Substitute-Duelist, for himself and without wasting time, the two teenager were both held, unconscious in Demon God's palm, taken to the underworld.

But due to the Demon God not being aware, his own son, known as the Half-Demon entered the underworld and was put under a difficult responsibility...

....Katorishi Codey, his hatred toward father was seen and as much as his fear prevailed over, he never let go of his allies.

In the unexpected, this Half-Demon promised himself to bring back, both Kirashito Ayuka the Semi-Godess and Shinkaku Timoshī the Substitute-Duelist to once again see Humanity.... To achieve this goal, his journey will be hard, long and with the Demon God in front of him, he's aware that his risks of entering the underworld might ended up in fighting his own father.....

[Underworld - Jail Cell Keeping - Friday, 1:28 p.m.]

Before while Tim was stopped by Matsushima Mi and have been put in the middle of the fight.

Tsuneo and his opponent Kawabata Kiyoshi fought as well, due to Kiyoshi's reserved speech, Tsuneo managed to release his Symbolism and up voted his opponent by defeating him in the lava pit.

But while everything between that had been happening, Codey came in contact with his opponent, Okubo Aoi and are now in the standing phase, ready to throw in at the battle.

Aoi seemed to have been rather annoyed. "I see you're being stressed? Why's that?" Wondered Codey, spinning his boomerang on his index finger. "Stressed? You've got a lot of nerves to say that-" But Codey spoke back. "Is it maybe because your 'Most Trusted' Guards are failing one after another?" Wondered Codey, a bit intimidating. "How could you? The 'Most Trusted' Guards are handling themselves better than you could imagine. Besides, if they die it isn't my fault. All I need to watch is myself, mostly when I successfully eliminate you." Spoke Aoi while swinging with his left hand forward and spinning his sharpened and darkened star.

"And I thought you'd already surrender. I believe some of your 'Most Trusted' Guards have been defeated. Besides, my only goal is to reach my friends and then eliminate the God of Demons." Explained Codey, while the cold wind began to emit itself around his body. "You truly believe defeating our Lord is possible? Not even if you've teamed up with your friends, would it be impossible to defeat our Lord. He's far superiour than you could ever imagine." Exclaimed Aoi, standing seriously. "Teaming up? Speaking about that. Maybe you should consider explaining me where my friends are, it'll be very polite before you die." After Codey's description of threatening his opponent, Codey decided to avoid using his Half-Demon Transformation, due to not wanting of wasting his stamina. ("I'd need to defeat him in my base form. If I'd use Half-Demon Transformation I'd end up extremely weak and wouldn't have no where near enough stamina to fight Rez. Although, using it could also mean much quicker cleanse of my enemy, but it's doubtful, they are known as the 'Most Trusted' Guards, picked by himself, so it means they are much more skilled to what we've thought they could. But to begin with, Half-Demons aren't as powerful unless they have been training for years.") Codey's eye flinched once seeing that a star had went flying at him, and due to him thinking he barely had the chance of avoiding, as the star sharply flew past Codey's face and circled around behind his body and then immediately returned back into Aoi's left hand.

"You know, daydreaming isn't the best option to do right now." Sighed Aoi while holding the star at the top, behind the handles. "Tsch... Maybe if you've been more fair in battle, then this wouldn't had happened." Codey sighed and for a second closed his eyes. "Why would I fight fair, if I can just go for the kill straight away? You surely have the most weird ideas, but now prepare. That throw was just a beginning lesson - To never daydream in the battle."

At once, Aoi made a heavy step with his left foot and threw forward the sharp star that was spinning at high speed and was considered as a firearm. Codey hurried to crouch and stretch his right arm to the side at which point he immediately dashed for the side and swung with his right hand.

He landed on his left foot and spun on one leg quickly when following up with his arm as he added more pressure at his right handed boomerang and it immediately went flying toward Aoi. But at the same time, Codey's right eye noticed the star flying among the floor into his direction and preparing to cut his neck, however in luck, Codey immediately bent his both legs and turned around on the spot when pressing his right hand on the boomerang's flat and used that support to defend the thrown star. On the other side, Aoi had summoned an energy hand which went flying at Codey's thrown boomerang and was caught, after such an event, Aoi made a heavy stomp with his left foot while raising his right leg behind in a benting motion and immediately swung with his technique and saw how the boomerang was stopped behind his back, but right in the point of stopping, it was redirected back at Codey at which point he noticed it and immediately bent his upper body backward.

The star that was keeping him on the spot flew above his face while the boomerang came in cross with it and cut into his stomach, catching him in surprise when Codey finished his bent backward and immediately pressed his right hand on the floor at which point Codey made a handstand and then noticed how the star was caught by Aoi's technique and was then thrown back like a football into his direction. "Damn, what is that elestatic?!" Codey immediately pushed his right palm into the floor and unleashed a burst of wind which allowed him to get flung in the air and then avoided the thrown star at which point he immediately switched boomerang between the left and right hand and continued his attack by turning in the air in a 60 degree angle, when unleashing a powerful wind which infused itself with the boomerang and was then sent toward Aoi, who had now crouched and touched the floor with his 'elestatic' and used it as a support to bounce in the air while the boomerang flew beneath him.

The elestaticed arms then dugged into the ground and Aoi's movement raised its both arms high above his head at which point he pulled out a massive cube of the ground, catching Codey in surprise who was faced at his direction.

While Codey had his left hand hidden behind his back in midair, he gently moved his fingers toward his back and the earlier thrown boomerang went flying from behind him, manipulated by the air current while Codey noticed the giant cube getting thrown at him. He immediately swung his left arm from behind the back and released a wind cyclone to which was manipulating the boomerang and was then immediately swung in front of his body.

Due to the force, the heavy wind knocked Codey backward as the boomerang was unleashed and then thrown through the massive cube at which point, the sharp boomerang went spinning much quicker and unleashed an identical shape of the boomerang to which was then created by the air.

While the 'wind boomerang' shifted in such way, it fully went cutting through the gigantic cube and halved it as both of the split rocks flew past each side of Codey's body.

The thrown boomerang that was targeting Aoi was simply just blocked by Aoi moving both of his elestaticed hands in front of him and causing the boomerang to be caught in it like a glue and then went pulling behind Aoi's back, with elestaticness holding the boomerang in th distance behind Aoi.

He swung the caught boomerang with elestaticness and threw it back at Codey at which poing Codey finally managed to land on the floor and quickly bent his upper body forward. He dashed forward and in the movement grabbed his boomerang at which point he immediately made a quick hop and then swung the boomerang from the side of his body to the front, throwing it right back at his other boomerang.

"Damn it." Aoi spoke loudly and then quickly disappeared from the spot and barely avoiding the boomerang.

Aoi who was only a few feet away from Codey's thrown boomerang quickly extended his elestaticed hand that was made out of energy and then caught the boomerang in a circular motion, however as much as he managed to caught it, the boomerang's fierce speed was impossible to be stopped easily and was pulling Aoi with it toward the wall in the distance and slammed into it.

But the same boomerang that was a few thrown a few seconds ago by Aoi was targeting Codey and while he stood on the spot, he was forced to come up with something. Codey hopped a few feet forward when slid his right foot on the ground and opened his hand. It was seen that he was releasing wind currents from each finger to which point he then slashed forward and unleashed a multiple attack in a form of a wind current but was as sharp as a basic blade.

Aoi sensed the danger coming from the distance and immediately touched the wall with his hands and feet and then unleashed pressure to launch himself forward and then flew through the dust, flipping above Codey's attack and preparing both of his legs for landing.

As for the attack that Codey casted, it went slashing through the wall and causing the rubble to once again pile on the ground. Codey stretched his legs after benting them and dashed forward, locating to where Aoi would land, and as soon as Aoi landed on all of his four limbs, he was now noticed by Codey who has already punched with his right arm into Aoi's face.

Luckily in position that Aoi landed, he quickly slid both of his arms from right side to the left and spun on the spot when allowing Codey to miss his punch.

In the middle of that spin, Aoi hurried along with a lethal kick that went slamming directly into Codey's left hip and causing him to feel proper pain, and just at the contact a powerfull pressure and wind emitted from the point of that touch. While Codey's face expressed pain with sweat he then quickly recovered and bent his right knee at which point was then stretched in a round kick into Aoi's face, causing him to be knocked backward and rolled along the floor, right at the edge of the chained platform.

And because Aoi was unable to stop the roll he needed to grab the edge of the chained platform while his feet hung down, ready to fall into lava at any point. The sweat that dripped down Aoi's body was then quickly caught in the lava and completely vaporized.

Codey caught the two boomerangs when getting caught in surprise. The star immediately came out of nowhere and sliced off Codey's left arm, erupting blood. ("I completely forgot about the star!") Codey gulped in his mind while feeling his pain and falling onto one of his knees.

On the other hand, Aoi caught the boomerang and climbed back up, breathing heavily as he was near death. "This is why you should focus onto your surroundings." Spoke Aoi in the middle of breathing while Codey knelt on his left leg, holding his wound. ("He caught me off guard like any time. I'm easily caught in similar situations.... Damn it, why won't I just focus on every little detail. That way I wouldn't need to waste my regeneration.") Codey thought while slowly regenerating his arm.

"See.... everything that has happened in our Duel was either, blood dripping or getting beat down to a knee, I think it's time for you to die." Aoi immediately began to transform his star into something different, catching Codey's eyes within a shock.

("W-what the hell is that?!")

To be continued...