363. The recently uncovered reawakening of a raging desire.

[The Founding Flame: Arc 16]

Ginken is a weapon that is the main source of a person's vigor.

They are controlled or wielded by 'Spiritual Symbolism', which brings with it supplemental functions that give the bearer an unknown plenariness of puissance.

Ginken's weapon is exhaustively made within another person's birth (mostly in the 'Spiritual Realm' otherwise kenned as 'The World of Zero'), were the first personnel kenned as 'Godess' appeared within the 'Holy Arches' of only where the 'Deities' live.

However, due to the minute population of people at that time on the Planet Earth, her appearance was remotely unideal as she was not felicitously kenned, but it wasn't until a few centuries later that people commenced to believe in a legend about her subsistence and many of them were right.

She, the 'goddess of the firmament, Planet Earth and other dimensions, besides being the engenderer of legendary weapons has survived for many more years and was now met with Shinkaku Tim, additionally kenned as the 'Substitute-Duelist', which had the capricious potential of becoming the next savior of mankind, as well as the first 'Substitute-Duelist' after hundreds of years.

With his peregrination and meeting of friends, he came across a human with a 'Demonical Blood' as well as a girl with 'Holy Blood' and with them he had already managed to keep civilization safe, but after the incident that had transpired (of his friend realizing who she was in authenticity), he was now on an incipient path to obtain the facility kenned as 'The Founding Flame'.

[Underworld - The Palace - Tuesday, 6:16 p.m.]

Finally, when Tim's hand came into contact with the bright soul of burning fire, the orange flames behind him scattered as stretched further into the distance at the hallway.

Has he accomplished what he set out to do, or is he still struggling to transcend the 'Spirituality' of this blazing star?

[Underworld - The Palace - Tuesday, 6:16 p.m.]

Tim's body rolled in mid-air as he twisted to regain his balance, at which point he quickly flipped backward and fell on the floor, once contacting the floor with his right hand, at which point his feet were rolling on the floor as he was slipping, until he stopped just before reaching the very edge of the wall and feeling the heat, until Ayuka landed and chuckled.

"Did he do it?" Codey wondered, as Tim stood up straight and bent his left palm down, and when a white flame was hovering over his left palm, making squishy sounds and giggles, and Codey wondered.

"You were caught, little one." Tim laughed as the white flame bounced up and started to fly across his body from his foot to his back, before returning to his palm and spinning.

"You're a vivacious one." Tim giggled, lightly poking it as he glanced around at the others.

No way! No way! That was not supposed to happen! Not by a long shot!" Tolvard yelled, slamming his fist into the floor. "Wonderful! You were able to successfully capture it!" Elliot laughed as he ran alongside Tim, cautiously stretching his right finger out, but the moment he tried to play with the blaze's spirit, it immediately burned him.

"Hey! Keep an eye upon that! That's scorching!" Elliot yelled as he backed off, waving his fist up and down. "How in the world can you hold that thing so close to your hand?!" Elliot pondered, frustrated and humiliated.

When the decision was made, the woman paused the countdown.

"I'm guessing there aren't any more challenges in store for you. The 'blazing soul' you're carrying is the 'Universal Flame' activator. But there's one more thing to think about." The woman talked after gazing up at the stairwell leading to the main monument.

"It is the next step, which will bring you and this soul together. While it may be very risky, I suggest that you decline. Still, if you want to consider it, you must be prepared." She explained it to Tim after he became uneasy.

"I mean, I just wanted to grab it so that everyone else didn't have it, like that fool..." Tim frowned as he saw Tolvard's face sweating, kneeling on all fours and staring at the dirt as his sweat evaporated.

"Tim, come on! Don't be such a moron. If you've already caught it, consider it a friend and incorporate it into your 'Spiritual Symbolism.' Furthermore, take a look at how cute and lively cutey goes." Codey grinned, winking and forcing Tim to face the blaze.

"Don't let this be a waste of time. If I had the chance to improve my strength, I'd be all in." Elliot spoke with his arms folded, but Tim's mouth opened wide with a sigh as the steam softly blew out.

"I think I may as well..."

[Underworld - The Palace (The Monument) - Tuesday, 6:20 p.m.]

The woman and Tim, along with his buddies, have been placed in front of a decently wide staircase leading up to the monument as they approach the next space at the monument.

Tim's feet started walking up the stairs when the 'Blazing Soul' began to circle his body.

Tim had stopped in front of the memorial, which stood in a huge space, after taking the next move with the right and then the top.

"Hey, looks like I've gotta inherit you, or something," Tim said, smiling at the spirit that was now been floating in front of him, making sweet noises and turning, as if it was joyful.

"I guess you don't mind, huh? Then, I'm actually not positive of what you are, so let's get this out of the way together." Tim softly poked the spirit, which gasped outward and twisted toward the monument while flying inside the monument's conveniently shaped opening, while the blue eye in the white soul glowed until the monument emitted hot steam, which blew right at Tim's body, slightly scorching him.

But, with a smile, Tim reached his right arm onto the monument's paddle, once unleashing his 'Aura' and raising his 'Spiritual Symbolism,' once his aura and the soul's own began to light up the area, once the white fire began to emit itself from the eight monument pillars, trapping Tim in the middle when he closed his eyes.

When Tim's eyes glowed blue, the fires that had erupted from the holes were forming a huge phoenix, with transparency and white flames.

Tim lifted his right side of the mouth, making a grin, once the white wings flapped, once Tim's heart glowed, as once Phoenix flew right through the singular point of where the heart had been glowing and Tim's heartbeat had calmed down, once e felt spectrum into his veins, once the 'Blaze Soul' dispersed.

When his white aura blew across his body, a white flashing spot appeared in the center of Tim's forehead, and the others were taken aback.

Tim, who blinked twice, was perplexed as he glanced at the spot on his forehead, but when he rubbed it, it vanished in sparkles, leaving him perplexed.

Finally, he opened his left palm as a white aura came from around his body, followed by a white blaze, which puzzled Tim.

"W-Why has this had an impact on my aura?" Tim was perplexed and asked a challenge. "Don't worry, the atmosphere just improves as you use the 'Universal Flame,' which also compresses the 'Emission' into the 'Enhancement' since the fire's deadly heat is disproportionately supervised. I propose that you use the 'Universal Flame' as much as possible to get a feeling for it and learn how to master it." As Tim and the others were mystified, the woman explained.

("I can't believe my eyes... He's almost still a bit ahead of us despite possessing only 'Human Blood.' I'm curious how far he'll go to achieve his target. I'm sure he's gone this far for a reason other than just keeping Ayuka safe.") Tim had been trying to grasp the inner transition, so Codey grinned, crossed his arms, and looked at him.

When looking at Tim, Codey saw Ayuka, who had her hands crossed in front of her waist and was smiling.

( "... I'm happy you're able to see life on a human scale. That at the very least demonstrates to us that even someone of your stature can fall in love with a mere mortal... I'm happy you choose the right person to fall for... Ayuka ") Codey smirked, rubbing his nose once.

But, after gaining a new ability, Tim and his friends returned to the overworld, greeted by smiles on their friends' faces.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Guild (Bedrooms) - Wednesday, 3:10 p.m.]

"Hiya, Tim! I've gathered some wonderful recipes that you might use to create a delicious meal-" However, when Codey reached Tim's bedroom with a bag in his lap, he was perplexed.

Seeing how Tim had been doing pushups and situps again.

"How many have you already completed?" When Tim's sigh was heard, Codey became baffled. "1 499 There you have it! 1500 people!" Tim sprang to his feet when he leaned against the wall and began to do situps.

"Are you insane?! You're going to ruin your damn back from working out too hard!" When Tim lifted his right eye, Codey complained, flapping his arms up and down. "Could you please slow down? This is nothing compared to the first 2,000 I had to do. In any case, thank you for the ingredients; I'll see what I can come up with." Tim spoke as he pulled up and down.

"Sure thing, no problem. But, seriously, how did you get to be so thirsty for work? You haven't had anything to drink today." Despite this, Tim grinned. "I don't need it right now, but I appreciate your attention." When Codey shut the door, he sighed and stopped talking.

[Planet Earth - Innerlight City - Guild (Gym) - Wednesday, 3:11 p.m.]

Ayuka was stretching as she bent over, her rear bending backward, and Elliot spouted from behind the couch, grabbing a cord.

"If I can't get her with my paws, I'll just lock her in this rope and have a good time!" Elliot spoke, leaping from behind the couch, and Ayuka's left eye caught sight of him. "All of you are mine! Nobody else would get the scrumptious ass" Elliot yelled, and as soon as Ayuka stood up straight and twisted sideways, with squiggly pupils, Elliot flew behind her bottom, past her into the wall.

"Fuck!" screamed Elliot as he cried loudly as the football fell off the rack, at which point Ayuka grabbed it in her hand and sprung it into the air, tossing it at a drop and sweeping it with a round kick as Elliot's eyes poked out.

"We don't get balls for stuff like that!" He screamed, but the football smacked him in the face, sending his body through the door as Kanji came to a halt before reaching him.

"I hope it's funny, peeking on the girls and reaching for their ass." Ayuka walked away, leaving Elliot behind, while Kanji's eyes blinked in surprise, the ball bouncing off Elliot's face back inside the gym.

"What I needed to see was her in sportswear; I can see everything, from her tight breasts to her buttocks and even her firm body; why can't I be luckier?" Elliot screamed, stars flying over his ears.

"You've got to chill with that shit once in a while, Elliot." When speaking, Kanji said.

"It's my work, and I'm not going to adapt! Not even though I'm an adult!" But, when he spoke, Elliot expelled heat by slamming his front face down on the concrete, his butt lifted behind him.

"Come as you are. Let's get you up and head to the cafeteria. Allow one girl to be alone for a second. Ayuka in particular." Elliot made kitten eyes and claimed Kanji.

"B-But you don't get it. She's ideal! She has the ideal breast size, not too large nor too little! She has amazing legs, gorgeous hair, and a fantastic ass, and with her strength, nothing could change her status. There's no chance someone will pay her with affection, or she could provide it to someone." Elliot claimed, nodding up and down.

"W-Well, I don't know what else to say. In the other hand, I disagree with your final sentence..." Elliot was concerned about this.

"What exactly do you mean?! Tell me about one guy who could persuade her! There is no way that person will do that!" Elliot yelled, his hands on his hips. "All right, enough of femininity and your dirty mind; let's get to the part where we go to the cafeteria and eat."

"You didn't respond to my question, Kanji!"

"Just keep that in mind. Gods, whether male or female, will still be attractive and wonderful, even though they are just siblings or born children..."

To be continued...