369. The Goddess's untimely death?


The story contains graphic depictions of violence, sexuality, strong language, and/or other mature themes.

[The Demon's God Pursuit: Arc 17]

Once upon a time, on Planet Earth, a young girl was born; the story goes that her identity was never adequately clarified, but she was effectively known as the 'Holy Light.'

Her title depicted the real life of one's planet. Humankind did not know the Dimensions that had appeared alongside her birth, only of the Spirits that had been destroyed or disappeared.

The woman... The Holy Light, the heir of all the inhabitants, was not born alone. The arrival of the Demon God, whose name was Rez, caused anarchy, and humanity was on the brink of extinction.

Humans terrified him because of his recklessness and hunger for blood, and Demons started to manifest all over the Earth and The World of Zero, alongside alternate races such as The Inner Fiends, The Shades, Wraiths, and Spirits.

To combat the challenge, a new breed of people has awakened, the 'Spiritual Duelists' and 'Substitute-Duelists,' who have been dubbed the "First Army to Face Evil."

With their Legendary Weapons, the Ginken. This swarm of humans increased the world's cleanliness to the greatest extent possible, overwhelming the Demons of various grades and placing their survival at risk.

But, after several years of waiting, the 'Holy Light' gave birth to a human child, a girl of theoretically greater worth than Zero herself, but unlikely to become the next 'Holy Light,' their Goddess gave the girl to a friendly family, and since her mother needed to participate in protecting the divinity, the girl's memories were wiped.

But there is another royalty trapped within the shadows that have been concealed for millennia, even longer than the birth of a Demon...

The only one who has beaten the 'Holy Light's own is the Fiend Lord. Its lurkers will undoubtedly be wiped out, and the newfound foe will ready the battlefield...

- Yashikami City, Thursday, 1:06 pm -

When Ken became puzzled, the pen sword that Elliot had carried within his right arm, shining behind his back, was ragingly emitting the electricity.

"A pen that can also be used as a sword. You're as dumb as your speech." Ken prepared to attack by swiping the blade in front of his face.

"A pen that can also be used as a sword. You're as dumb as your expression." Ken prepared to attack by swiping the blade in front of his face.

"He's been using the pen as both a writing instrument and a weapon ever since he got it... It's different from an original Ginken, but it's just as useful..." Kylin asserted, once sitting beside Ayuka and smiling at Elliot.

"I think it entertains him, so why not do it... Besides, who needs to use other pens to write with when he can use his sword as a pen?" Ayuka smiled as she spoke.

"Assume you're right. Still, on the other hand, I'm worried that his arm won't be enough to win the fight..." About the fact that Kylin had devoted her feelings and emotions to concern, she saw hope.

"I'm confident Elliot can work it out..." Ayuka added until the timer started counting down.

And eventually, it started, Elliot took a step until the whirlwind awakened and the thunder roared, at which point his body flickered from the position in which he appeared behind Ken and swept the sword in a circular shape, while Ken took a step forward and swiped the sword behind his back, defending the assault.

Elliot's body vanished instantly when the yellow electricity circled to the front of Ken's face, with Elliot coming out and sweeping his sword forward, until Ken ducked and instantly swooped under his hop and spun on the spot while roundly kicking Elliot's back, who then vanished in a bolt to the side, formed a balance, and then vanished in the next bolt, which Ken defended.

And, with luck, he was able to do so after. Elliot successfully strode to the edge of the mid-air and landed, slipping aside and then sweeping with his blade in an oblique direction, and after Ken protected his sword with his right arm and blocked it while being thrown over the dirt.

Elliot smashed the ground and vanished, sweeping in with his blade at which point he lifted his ankles and cut directionally at Ken, who covered his right side of the face with the blade and blocked it, while pointing his left palm past his sword's flat and then unleashed a burst of flames that forced Elliot to cover his bosom.

Elliot, on the other hand, landed on his right foot and then leaned his body over, flipping his pen to the left and collecting several charges of electricity.

- Nitsuragi City, Thursday, 1:07 pm -

Codey's body was exhausted when the men were vanquished, fortunately for Ena, without being wounded. "Damn, if any of these people arrive, I'm going to lose my endurance. Not working out has made my stamina decline again... Damn, why won't my body just function normally?" But at that point, Codey's body knelt on the floor, holding Ena, who had been weeping.

"Come on now, Ena. Don't panic, you're fine. Just sit down, I assure you, you'll be fine. Shhh..." But Ena started to sob as Codey's sweat dripped down his forehead.

However, after the man got up, Codey's body became weakened. "W-what the heck is this?!?" he yelled, unable to comprehend what was going on.

"I'm shocked you've survived this long; your body has been tainted from the first slash. Don't worry, it'll take some time for you to die, but honestly, all we have to do now is kill this little boy," said the man as he accepted the knife from another buddy.

"I'm shocked you've survived this long; your body has been tainted from the first slash. Don't worry, it'll take some time for you to die, but honestly, all we have to do now is kill this little boy," said the man as he accepted the knife from another buddy.

"Damn you, you monster; stay back, leave her alone..." Codey attempted to walk, but his poisonous body couldn't even flinch, and his heartbeat was slowing. ("Damn, I can barely see...") Elliot spoke, but when he noticed black clothes stepping ahead of him, he noticed a knife flashing within the sun.

"Now then, I'll just slit her throat; don't worry, the blood will evaporate the moment it touches your skin." Ena's neck was gently leaned against the man. "N-No, s-stop. D-Damn it!" No matter how hard Codey tried, it was futile, and he couldn't do anything about it.

However, that was not the case at the time.

Someone raised the back of their ankles before leaping to the building's wall, falling on it, then running up it, which shocked the man's eyes.

"A girl?! She's trying to kill me! Now, eliminate her!" yelled the guy, pulling the knife away in terror.

"Get her!" The men who were still alive, three in all, jumped forward and prepared, as the girl bounced from the wall and landed on the floor with the ground cracking, in which case due to her speed she couldn't have stood straight and was formed into a straight slide, where she swept her right blade behind her back, coming right in front of the man, seeing as he cut her.

When sneaking past him, she bent her body forward and swept her blade forward, obliquely and instinctively slitting the man's chest.

The girl's black, short hair waved as she saw the next men rushing towards her. When she was forced to crouch and bend over, she immediately rushed forward with both of her swords, sweeping and stretching behind her back, frightening the man, in which case he could barely stab, but without losing time, the girl cut with her left sword and instantly injured the man, when she was forced to crouch and bend forward, then instantly sped forward with both of her blades, waving and stretching behind her back.

The next man reached out with his gun. "Die, you slut!" But, alas, the girl immediately ducked when the bullet flew through her short black hair when the single bullet was fired. "W-what the hell?! Her reaction rate is incredible!" Just as soon as he said that the girl slashed upwards, slashing the guy across the middle of his face, and then stood behind his dead body.

When catching the knife-wielding man off guard. "S-Stay back! No! Stay back!" yelled the man, but the girl took a warm breath and leaped into the air, front flipping and forming her body upside while spinning like a tornado with her blades and cutting the man's neck before flipping forward and landing on the floor, while the man's head was detached from his body and blood erupted.

The girl stood up straight, shook the blood-splattered blades, and turned to look behind her, a black eye shadowing her as she raised her scarf to hide her lips.

Codey's eyes looked at the girl. "T-Thank you..." when losing his consciousness.

- Yashikami City, Thursday, 1:07 pm -

Elliot crouched while blocking Ken's flaming blade, causing a huge explosion when both of them were knocked into the smoke, in which case Elliot's yellow current of electricity emerged behind Ken and without turning around, Ken's eyes tensed, and he suddenly swept his left sword behind when Elliot was frozen in shock.

Elliot attempted to block, but the moment Ken's weapon made contact with his sword, fire erupted and immediately covered Elliot, at which point the thunderous assassin screamed in agony as his body was knocked through the line and the blade was sent soaring. Elliot's torso crashed against the back of the chair as he slid back.

It was inevitable that Ken would win, but everyone seemed surprised in the middle of the event.

Ayuka's pupils had turned translucent after Elliot's sword pierced her chest, and her eyes were wide open. The blood was slowly running down her right side of the chest when her body grew cold and light, and everyone's eyes were stunned as she fell over.

Her body rolled on the floor before being engulfed in a pool of blood, at which point her mouth begun speaking.

"... I-It's ... S-So.... w-warm... i-is it... m-my b-blood...?" Those were her words, while soon her eyes became deas like fish.

Elliot and Ken, the two who had been fighting, were taken aback when Kylin yelled.


The yell erupted...

- Gyuma City, Tuesday, 1:07 pm -

Tim lost his cup of coffee without even noticing it.

"Hey, you dropped your cup... Don't forget to clean it up," Tim said to Kaoru. "Well... Whatever..." Tim took a walk toward the cell's sink and opened the pipe, at which point he quickly cleaned the cut skin.

"Once you're through with it, you can relax for today. Tomorrow we'll resume the chase... Except this time, unless I mean it, don't slaughter the innocents..." Kaoru stood back, rage in his gaze, as Tim's left side of his lips raised, creating a furious shake.

- Yashikami City, Saturday, 7:20 am -

Elliot's arms were trembling with rage as he examined his own tension.

"I did that... M-My sword did that... Damn that fool! I-If he hadn't showed up! This would never have happened! Ayuka was wounded because of my blade! Damn it! Damn that asshole!" Elliot broke the table despite being stabbed through the flesh of his side.

"I'm going to slay him, and I don't care if he's a Spiritual Duelist! I've lost, and already harmed Ayuka! If Tim was here, he'd actually already finish the work. I hope he gets killed, I hope he does, I only hope he eats his own blood!!"

"I'm so angry! I can't let that happen! She's vital for this cruel planet! She can't die! Damn it! I'm going to weep, just for my own folly! What was I thinking?! I've been trying to date her and never really wanted to worry about her protection! Why am I not like Tim?! Why?! This is so stupid?! Why can't I be the same as him! I'm so sorry!"

To be continued...