371. Handmade weaponry's latest design


The story contains graphic depictions of violence, sexuality, strong language, and/or other mature themes.

[The Demon's God Pursuit: Arc 17]

Once upon a time, on Planet Earth, a young girl was born; the story goes that her identity was never adequately clarified, but she was effectively known as the 'Holy Light.'

Her title depicted the real life of one's planet. Humankind did not know the Dimensions that had appeared alongside her birth, only of the Spirits that had been destroyed or disappeared.

The woman... The Holy Light, the heir of all the inhabitants, was not born alone. The arrival of the Demon God, whose name was Rez, caused anarchy, and humanity was on the brink of extinction.

Humans terrified him because of his recklessness and hunger for blood, and Demons started to manifest all over the Earth and The World of Zero, alongside alternate races such as The Inner Fiends, The Shades, Wraiths, and Spirits.

To combat the challenge, a new breed of people has awakened, the 'Spiritual Duelists' and 'Substitute-Duelists,' who have been dubbed the "First Army to Face Evil."

With their Legendary Weapons, the Ginken. This swarm of humans increased the world's cleanliness to the greatest extent possible, overwhelming the Demons of various grades and placing their survival at risk.

But, after several years of waiting, the 'Holy Light' gave birth to a human child, a girl of theoretically greater worth than Zero herself, but unlikely to become the next 'Holy Light,' their Goddess gave the girl to a friendly family, and since her mother needed to participate in protecting the divinity, the girl's memories were wiped.

But there is another royalty trapped within the shadows that have been concealed for millennia, even longer than the birth of a Demon...

The only one who has beaten the 'Holy Light's own is the Fiend Lord. Its lurkers will undoubtedly be wiped out, and the newfound foe will ready the battlefield...

- Yashikami City, Wednesday, 3:25 pm -

At the department, people were being collected.

"Ogawa Kichirou, Omori Kenta, and Otake Taro... Is everyone assembled here? If so, take a place on the front lines." After three of the boys had walked up, a man spoke, carrying a piece of paper.

"Sir, indeed." They drew their arms behind their backs while the man who had summoned them examined the article. "Our previous fools thwarted our attempt to execute the 'Demon God'... However, we've learned that the kid we've been after has been shielded by her brother. We've chosen you as our primary recon team, which will help us to remove the threat once we locate it..."

"... we've also discovered that we might have been looking for the wrong girl and that her brother is the owner of the blood that we got a while ago... I'd like you to get rid of both of them, particularly the brother, for that reason. If these two keep roaming around Yashikami City, it won't be long before we're extinct..." When Kenta spoke, he explained.

"Sir, I have a concern!"

"All right, go ahead..." The guy turned to face Kenta and spoke. "Several people killed in Gyuma City were apprehended around a week ago... A total of thirteen people were killed. Can you believe it was them who committed the murder?" Kenta was perplexed as the guy lifted his right brow.

"They weren't the two. However, the male sibling and the older brother have progressed into new complexes.... he eliminated our first attack team, but they were thwarted by the arrival of an adult woman. The poison has been proven to be successful on the Demon's blood, however, it seems that it is consumed by the blood during the next several days... which suggests that poisoning the Half-Demon will cost us both time and an instantaneous assassination..." The man explained.

"What about the girl? Have we got any descriptors?" Kichirou was perplexed. "We've just learned that she's a friend of the Half-Demon; her appearance, though, was not noticed, implying that we don't have anything to worry about. However, people say she wielded two similar blades and swiftly assassinated the people... the two's present location is undisclosed to us." Although the three members of the recon squad were uncertain, the man responded.

"Are there any further information we might get?" Taro dared to inquire. "There isn't much to see right now, but the male brother, as well as a Half-Demon, has long brown hair, freckles on both cheeks, and blue eyes. He stands about 180 centimeters tall and has been described as scrawny... Despite his appearance, he poses a serious threat..." The guy spoke, and the others nodded. "Sir, we understand! We'll have him executed as soon as we catch him." The three of them spoke up.

"Several thanks for your cooperation, and please use these weapons..." As the three walked in, the man placed three suitcases on the table. "These 'Ginkens' are referred to as 'Beta Terminating Weapons' also known as the 'Anti-Ginken Weapon' that can rival it. They're made of the same alloy as the original Ginkens and can be assembled into these suitcases." The man explained.

"Second, since these are all 'Beta ventures,' we don't know if they'll be fine. We promise, however, that they would be almost similar to the Spiritual Ginkens. This will be our next initiative, so that ordinary people will be able to use it in the future. Now, get to work and make certain that the two siblings are eliminated."

"Sir, yes!"

- Gyuma City, Wednesday, 4:50 pm -

Tim was sitting on his cell bed, drinking water from a glass, with his right arm completely covered in bandages, just exposing his fingers, when he sat back and lifted the bottle, spilling it over his body.

"You just wasted that water..." Kaoru frowned and spoke while crossing his knees. "... Does it make a difference...? I get them on a daily basis... Furthermore, being trapped in this dumb cell for the majority of the time is extremely hot..." While lowering the bottle to the side, I spoke to Tim.

"Maybe you should go take a bath; it's on the second floor..." Then Kaoru opened the cell door and saw Tim's lethal eyes. "... So don't do something out of the ordinary... You're going back to your cell when you've finished bathing..." Tim got up and walked past Kaoru with a sigh.

At last, the cell was locked again, once Kaoru followed Tim.

"Are you planning on stalking me from the bath?" Fortunately, Kaoru refused. "I'm not a pervert to do such a thing... But I'll be standing outside the door to make sure you don't try something funny..." Kaoru was serious as he spoke.


- Gyuma City, Wednesday, 5:00 pm -

Tim kept his phone in the bath while browsing the internet, allowing the bubble bath to begin to warm his body.

"Hey, Kaoru." Tim yelled because Kaoru didn't seem entertained. "Are you out of your damn mind?"

"Can I order something to eat? I've been starving..." Tim frowned, a puzzled and curious look on his face. "You're crazy, aren't you? Why on earth would you be hungry? You've already eaten!" Standing outside, Kaoru leaned back against the wall and complained. "Come on... I just eat noodles... Allow me to at least order food... I'll pay for it..." Tim talked while resting his elbow on the bath's side.

"Oh, no... That's all right, but you're eating in your cell." When growling, Kaoru spoke up. "As though I didn't always know..." Finally, Tim reached his left hand into his ear and dialed the number for the closest restaurant.

"I can't believe he forced me to do this..." Sighing, Kaoru expressed his displeasure.

- Gyuma City, Wednesday, 5:30 pm -

When Kaoru opened the door and saw a delivery man standing in front of him with a bag of food, the bell rang.

"A package for Shinkaku Tim..." Without wasting time, Kaoru grabbed the purse, reached for the money, and paid. "Thank you, and now you can depart..." The door was closed in front of the delivery man, leaving him perplexed.

"He... He dragged me into this..." Kaoru sighed and walked forward through the room, yawning as he approached the bathroom door. "I got you the idiotic meal you ordered... When you leave, I'll put it on the end table..." Tim yawned as the bag was dropped. "Yeah, yeah... Got it" He asserted.

"How long do you plan to bathe?" Uncomfortably, inquired Kaoru. "I haven't properly washed myself in at least a week... Most likely for another thirty minutes..." Tim spoke before reaching for the scissors and cutting the bandage, taking it off and to the left, and then adding cold water and placing the burned arm under it, while seeing the blood swimming away, slowly but steadily...

- Yashikami City, Wednesday, 6:00 pm -

Codey, Sakami, Kylin, and Ume were chatting about Ken's death in the main living room.

"He died the second he walked into Tim's bedroom. We had to wipe up the spilled blood for several hours... And what are we going to say to the grandmaster now? His one ally, whom he took with him, was assassinated, and we have no idea who did it..." Kylin sighed, gripping her chin.

"Was that something that happened in the shower? Perhaps?" It was, however, categorically refuted. "He had a cutthroat, but it was impossible... And with that, we were unaware of any prints on his body..." However, Elliot, as soon as Codey said that, someone walked in.

"Elliot? W-Whoa... Elliot? What's up?" When Elliot searched for the knife he had used to murder Ken, Codey looked at him with worry.

"Elliot? W-Whoa... Elliot? What's up?" When Elliot searched for the knife he had used to murder Ken, Codey looked at him with worry.

All were taken aback as he revealed it. "What the heck have you done, Elliot?! Why did you murder him?! Is it possible that you are a psychopath?!" Codey was enraged and screamed angrily.

"I'm not... No... I'm not... I'm just retaliating about what he did to Ayuka..." Elliot spoke as he tossed the knife to the side. "You assassinated the guy! And, by the way, it was your blade that wound up in her chest, not his!" Kylin added, irritably.

"He was the one who knocked it away! I'm not the one who threw it! After all, who cares about the jerk?" Elliot yelled loudly.

"It makes no difference who did that! You murdered him for no apparent cause! As the result, her getting pierced was an accident, not an insignificant incident!" Kylin grumbled while keeping her mouth shut.

"So, what exactly do you want from that asshole? In any case, he was pointless..." Elliot spoke up, irritated. "You may be punished as a result of this! Are you insane?!" Codey screamed angrily. "I don't mind... as long as that idiot guy is dead, I'm fine..." Elliot spoke up, crossed his arms, and turned away. "We're at a loss for words at this moment! Except for the fact that you're a killer!"

"Shut up! I don't care; I'm an adult, and I'm free to do whatever I want! And I don't mind if I'm jailed. Call the cops!" And with that, Codey went for the phone and dialed the cops.

"Fine, whatever you want..." Elliot's eyes shook in surprise as moisture dripped down his brow.

- Gyuma City, Wednesday, 7:05 pm -

Tim opened his hand when a white flash appeared and created a white fire as he was staring at it, and the room began to brighten.

"... This capacity... I have no idea that it is so uncommon... To me, it seems to be a typical fire... Sure, it's cooler, but there wasn't much of a difference in coercion..." Tim spoke as he closed his hand and pushed the white sparks aside.

"But... This is the one thing I haven't mastered yet... I'll definitely have to stop using other skills until I'm done... But, if it's this worthwhile, I may as well do it at the end of my term." Tim raised his head and spoke.

"I just hope by the end it doesn't ruin me..."

To be continued...