385. The unforeseen bullet.


The story contains graphic depictions of violence, sexuality, strong language, and/or other mature themes.

[The Fiend Lord: Arc 18]

Once upon a time, on Planet Earth, a young girl was born; the story goes that her identity was never adequately clarified, but she was effectively known as the 'Holy Light.'

Her title depicted the real life of one's planet. Humankind did not know the Dimensions that had appeared alongside her birth, only of the Spirits that had been destroyed or disappeared.

The woman... The Holy Light, the heir of all the inhabitants, was not born alone. The arrival of the Demon God, whose name was Rez, caused anarchy, and humanity was on the brink of extinction.

Humans terrified him because of his recklessness and hunger for blood, and Demons started to manifest all over the Earth and The World of Zero, alongside alternate races such as The Inner Fiends, The Shades, Wraiths, and Spirits.

To combat the challenge, a new breed of people has awakened, the 'Spiritual Duelists' and 'Substitute-Duelists,' who have been dubbed the "First Army to Face Evil."

With their Legendary Weapons, the Ginken. This swarm of humans increased the world's cleanliness to the greatest extent possible, overwhelming the Demons of various grades and placing their survival at risk.

But, after several years of waiting, the 'Holy Light' gave birth to a human child, a girl of theoretically greater worth than Zero herself, but unlikely to become the next 'Holy Light,' their Goddess gave the girl to a friendly family, and since her mother needed to participate in protecting the divinity, the girl's memories were wiped.

But there is another royalty trapped within the shadows that have been concealed for millennia, even longer than the birth of a Demon...

The only one who has beaten the 'Holy Light's own is the Fiend Lord. Its lurkers will undoubtedly be wiped out, and the newfound foe will ready the battlefield...

- Yashikami City, Thursday, 6:30 pm -

Elliot was standing in the kitchen, making himself a glass of lemonade. "Man, it feels so good to be able to drink lemonade again." Elliot smiled, but as soon as he inserted the straw, Tim dashed from the house, and Elliot's eyes widened and his hands started to bounce the glass up and down, attempting to keep it steady.

"I need water right now!" Elliot's eyes flew out, at which point Tim jumped over the counter and past Elliot before opening the fridge door and smashing it into Elliot's forehead as he was bounced back a little.

"Ouw..." Tim immediately took the cool water and the bottle before dumping it in. "See you then, thanks!" As the fridge's door wobbled left and right, he dashed through the door.

With a bump on Elliot's head, he grabbed for it immediately and felt ill. "... I was just going to finish my lemonade with that bath!!!" Elliot screamed as he set the glass of lemonade down on the fridge.

"... What am I supposed to do now? I've been out of the water too -" But the moment he spoke, he turned to look at the pipe. "No... No... No... No... Lemonade is a refreshing drink! It should not be consumed with this tainted water!!!" Elliot's yell rang out across the Guild as a cat on the balcony fell off the balcony's fence and into the garbage can.

- Yashikami City, Thursday, 6:32 pm -

"I got you some water, Ayuka!" When Ayuka was perplexed, Tim slid through the door. "Wait, but I-" Tim reached for her left arm and handed her a bottle of water.

"You must consume at least 1.6 liters of water a day! I've read everything there is to know about breastfeeding!" Tim called, his cheeks flushed. "However..."

"You must consume at least 1.6 liters of water a day! I've read everything there is to know about pregnancy!" Tim called, his cheeks reddened. "But..."

"No 'buts,' please... Simply drink...." Ayuka took a deep breath and closed her eyes. "I could just go grab it myself..." She spoke, but just as she was about to position the glass near her mouth, Tim crouched in front of her, grabbed her both shoulders, and looked her dead in the eyes, causing sweat to run down her forehead.

"Not a chance. You'll relax as I handle the cooking and everything else you ask of me... Do you understand?" When she frowned, Tim spoke up. "Y-Yeah..."

"Excellent, now be careful not to drink too much at once!" Tim rushed through the door as soon as he said that.

- Yashikami City, Thursday, 6:40 pm -

Elliot was walking down the hall with a garbage bag in his hand. "Working alone is crazy, man... Why couldn't I just go along with them?" Tim rushed past Elliot as he felt at the time, once he was forcibly spun on the spot.

"Woah-Woah-Woah-Woah! What the heeeeeeeeeel!" Yelled Elliot, at which point the garbage bag was tossed into the air and hurled straight at Elliot, slamming on top of his face as the trash collapsed and scattered.

"Sorry, my bad!"

- Yashikami City, Thursday, 6:45 pm -

Elliot has been engrossed in a novel. "The Demons' past, huh?" But, just then, Tim came swiping in front of Elliot in front of the bookshelf. "Where, where, where is it?" When Tim started to throw books at Elliot, he began to tear out books.

"Hey! Watch it! Hey! Watch it, ouch! Hey!" As the books continued to be flying into Elliot's body. Tim, on the other hand, caught the entire literature at the precise moment. "No, you don't-" However, the fat book flew into Elliot's hands, throwing him to the floor, at which point Tim discovered the book.

"There you are! I knew I had it anywhere on this shelf!" Tim dragged it and ran back down the corridor, while Elliot was bumped to the ground when the literature slipped down. "Wait a minute, can this day get any worse-" However, before he could answer, Elliot's eyes squirmed as he watched the bookshelf slowly fall forward.

"... You've gotta be kidding me ..." Instantly, the entire shelf of books smashed onto Elliot's body at which moment he screamed.

- Kakonai City, Thursday, 7:00 pm -

"So... Jessica, is that right?" Looking at her, Codey was perplexed.

But as soon as he spoke, he became uninterested, while Jessica started to cuddle in Kylin's cheeks. "... Could someone help me get her off?" Kylin inquired, emotionless.

Codey raised his voice by coughing. "Jessica!" exclaimed Codey. She immediately lifted her head and stared at him. "W-What?" She puzzledly pondered. "We haven't decided if you're worth supporting us..." Codey sighed as he spoke. "What?"

"I'd like you to fight for that-" But, as soon as Codey spoke, Jessica reached into the suitcase with her right arm, pulling out a large blade and a handle, which she easily mixed before taking the weapon and looking ahead.

"I'm prepared!" Codey was perplexed by it. "Uh... Well, um... Okay?" He inquired, perplexedly. "Who am I battling?" Jessica wondered as she looked forward because no one else did.

"All right, I'll just do it..." Once Jessica stared at Kylin, she whispered. "Haaaaaaaaaa??? Y ou?! But I don't wanna fight you! Come on, everybody else is perfect, just you aren't!" Jessica called, her purple eyes wide with surprise.

"If you want to show us that you're a competent Arcane, you must also challenge the person you fan over," Kylin claimed, at which point she took a turn to the other direction. "... I suppose... But I don't want to hurt you..." Jessica asserted, concerned and stressed.

Jessica, on the other hand, eventually became serious. "All right, I'll do what you say..." Jessica had now prepared a spot after she had stabilized her body.

And Kylin swept her right arm forward when a sword emerged from purple electricity, at which point Jessica sharpened her vision, at which point she stuttered her left knee, and with it, Jessica vanished from the position, emerging in front of Kylin incredibly quickly, catching her off balance.

However, with a circular sweep of the blade, when Kylin instantly ducked, Jessica fixed her body by finishing the spin and then raised her greatsword above the top of her head, at which point she slammed it down, when Kylin instantly vanished from the spot and quickly vanished within thunderous electricity and then slid behind Jessica with the blade pointing past her left shoulder as she summoned purple electricity.

Kylin had stepped in with her foot and swept the sword while Jessica ducked and closed the greatsword near the ground before immediately turning the greatsword behind her back and then circularly sweeping with her left leg and swinging the heavy sword forward, at which point Kylin became stressed.

When the heaviness of the greatsword simply knocked her back like a feather through the air, when Jessica immediately launched herself after Kylin with the heavy sword and shattered the ground behind her, when Jessica used the speed to her advantage and spun when swinging forward and unleashing a heavy combination of shattering rocks which flew toward Ky, when Jessica used the speed to her advantage and spun when swinging forward and unleashing a heavy combination of shattering rocks which flew toward Kylin.

And seeing the danger, Kylin quickly saw a rock wall behind her, when she quickly spun and fixed her position and was grabbed by the stone after pressing both of her feet up against the rock wall and then seeing the growing rocks flying toward her until Kylin instantly touched the rock wall with her right arm and instantly bent her body forward, repelling herself forward with full speed between the rock layers.

While in mid-air, Kylin leaned her body back and legs forward until she landed on the growing wall and ran up it as she sped up in which moment she swept with her blade and summoned an electrical orb at which moment the rock that was targeting her smashed down, but luckily Kylin teleported to the orb when quickly swept her sword forward and unleashed roaring electricity which flew right at Jessica.

To avoid being hit, Jessica quickly smashed the greatsword into the ground, shattered it, and bounced several rocks in front of her, using them as a barrier for the electricity to be unable to reach her, when Jessica twisted her flat side of the sword to point forward when swinging the sword like a baseball bat and smashed the rocks when they launched themselves forward in a barrage.

She flashingly swooped the right leg down, at which point a purple thunder crashed into the earth and Kylin vanished on the floor as the rocks sailed above her head, leaving the place in the rubble.

"That's what there is to it. We've had plenty." When Jessica spun the greatsword and plunged it into the ground while laughing, Codey called a halt to the battle.

"See, I'm very talented, aren't I?" Jessica laughed.

- Yashikami City, Thursday, 8:30 pm -

When Tim stood next to Ayuka, she was staring through the balcony while leaning against the fence, taking in the fresh air. "Hey, is there something bothering you?" Tim was perplexed when Ayuka smiled at him.

"No... Nothing..." When Tim stared at her, she spoke up. "You know... you should just go sleep and relax..." Tim spoke, and Ayuka stared at him, perplexed.

"... But, really... I'm not tired..." She sighed and spoke, looking ahead. "It doesn't matter if you're exhausted... It's all about your recovery... it may be the start of your pregnancy, but... you have to rest, no matter how awake you are..." Tim spoke up, and Ayuka laughed.

"You know... you can be too clumsy and think over nothing..." Ayuka grinned as she rested her head on Tim's left shoulder. "Well... I haven't been doing a very good job lately..." Tim smiled back at the moon as he spoke. "It doesn't matter... I'm just happy I get to spend time with you..." Tim, on the other hand, started to feel her warmth and note that she was gradually getting sleepy.

However, without any of them noticing it, someone primed a sniper a respectable distance away, at which point they rested their stomach on the floor and scoped in on Ayuka's forehead.

"... She's unquestionably our target... We ought to get rid of her right now..." When the man glared at her, the woman spoke up. "Then put the pistol down and ready to kill her." When the scope was zoomed in on Ayuka's forehead, she had her eyes closed and a sweet grin on her face.

When the trigger was pulled and a loud shot was heard when Ayuka's eyes widened, Tim instinctively stretched with his left arm forward while pulling Ayuka backward, once his eye glowed with sweat falling, but due to the bullet being too fast, it passed through Tim's chest and through the wall.

By the end, Ayuka's eyes shook, and Tim's hair shaded his forehead, and the blood squirted, and with it, his body grew frail, and he dropped over onto the balcony's surface, with Ayuka's eyes widening with terror.

To be continued...