399. The Demon God's dawn.


The story contains graphic depictions of violence, sexuality, strong language, and/or other mature themes.

[The Spiritual Core's warfare: Arc 19]

Once upon a time, on Planet Earth, a young girl was born; the story goes that her identity was never adequately clarified, but she was effectively known as the 'Holy Light.'

Her title depicted the real life of one's planet. Humankind did not know the Dimensions that had appeared alongside her birth, only of the Spirits that had been destroyed or disappeared.

The woman... The Holy Light, the heir of all the inhabitants, was not born alone. The arrival of the Demon God, whose name was Rez, caused anarchy, and humanity was on the brink of extinction.

Humans terrified him because of his recklessness and hunger for blood, and Demons started to manifest all over the Earth and The World of Zero, alongside alternate races such as The Inner Fiends, The Shades, Wraiths, and Spirits.

To combat the challenge, a new breed of people has awakened, the 'Spiritual Duelists' and 'Substitute-Duelists,' who have been dubbed the "First Army to Face Evil."

With their Legendary Weapons, the Ginken. This swarm of humans increased the world's cleanliness to the greatest extent possible, overwhelming the Demons of various grades and placing their survival at risk.

But, after several years of waiting, the 'Holy Light' gave birth to a human child, a girl of theoretically greater worth than Zero herself, but unlikely to become the next 'Holy Light,' their Goddess gave the girl to a friendly family, and since her mother needed to participate in protecting the divinity, the girl's memories were wiped.

But there is another royalty trapped within the shadows that have been concealed for millennia, even longer than the birth of a Demon...

The only one who has beaten the 'Holy Light's own is the Fiend Lord. Its lurkers will undoubtedly be wiped out, and the newfound foe will ready the battlefield...

- Hidomari City, Sunday, 1:40 pm -

The destructive force emanating from the Half-Demon that stood before Kin had grown and grown, reaching terrible proportions, while a flash was visible in Codey's view.


Seeing his father's past, every instance of him raging over others, killing everyone he loved, and brutally attacking him....


Codey was certain that he had lived countless lives. The dust that had been covering the region was terrible, and his eyes began to beat every second, changing the hue of blue to blood red, while thunder rumbled in the distance.

The demanding sensation of living and not being murdered began to coil up inside of Codey's consciousness, his heartbeat began to beat briskly, and dust waves began to beam themselves from Codey's body over the ground, forming a storm that evolved into a large hurricane in the span of seconds.

The dark shadow hiding behind the cyclone lifted its head, and the crimson lighting of the eyes engulfed Kin's vision. Furthermore, the entire area had been destroyed by the hurricane, which was potentially a terrible threat, and the structure that everyone else had been running through and trying to reach the top had quickly begun to crack, and with the tremble of the delivered power.

- Hidomari City, Sunday, 1:40 pm -

Tsuneo, who was hidden inside the structure at the top, became amused.

"So... The emergence of the next Lord... the Demon God..." Tsuneo stood up after dropping the cup of coffee on the throne's gate.

"Perhaps the patience rewarded me..."

- Hidomari City, Sunday, 1:40 pm -

Kin, who was on the edge of losing his mind and planning to flee in terror, had no idea what was going on; all he knew was that the smoke he had ingested had been completely pulled from his body.

The twisted wind that continued to spew itself forth, as well as the dust that had been carried with it, proceeded to rush, faster and faster until the building behind Kin's back shattered.

Its top was shattered into two pieces and thrown into the air. And while doing so, the fragments were crushed into hundreds, if not millions, of small fragments, and the energy that had been enveloping Codey's body continued to travel farther by heaping down and flinging out.

His dark figure continued to sway in the wind as the earth underneath him shattered and memories flooded back into Codey's consciousness.

{"Oh, my son! It's you! You have been chosen as the next Demon God!" Rez's recollections and the history of what he stated emerged seamlessly. "Why would I want such an unappealing title?"}

"To be honest... Initially, I disputed his remarks. But now, dying in the most heinous way conceivable... I'm thinking about his words and yet... I'm not here for the savagery of their existence. I'm not going to waste this power on someone with such a callous disposition... A Demon God, you say? That term continues to make me sick every time I hear it... I didn't come from the Abyss or Earth to get these abilities, and if the Demons consolidate themselves and imperil our zones, they'll be the ones punished... Tsch, how much will immortality cost me? What is the definition of friendship? Do you believe in love? Either of those is great, as long as this planet is spared from the misfortunes of death!"

"I protect the mortality of people who cannot survive for this long... We have been very reckless. We, the Demon Blood, should counsel and refuse the display of evil. However, adversaries of this planet are the constellation of their existence... What are we if we don't defend them with our abilities? Do we deserve to be given such a title? Trust me, I would never, ever follow in my father's footsteps. But, if I must become an entity akin to a Demon God! I'll convince myself to do it!"

"What exactly are you saying? You're on the precipice of loss, yet you still feel you can outscore the next Demon God's skills! You've lost your mind! Not even a man like you could have such power and reject it. You're a villain, not a hero who once saved the world! Use the power to wipe off humankind! We don't urge people to work only for the sake of having fun! We do everything to ensure their annihilation!" Kin objected, but Codey just refuted every example of his statements.

"Their greatest danger to survival is mortality! Do you think I'll just accept their fate of annihilation? You are completely incorrect. If we want to emphasize our ability to keep those slaves away from you, we'll gladly orchestrate your defeats and eliminations. Starting with you, the rapist who almost brought the planet to its knees by having a new ignorant kid!"

"You're so twisted within your head! Keep track of how many times I murder you! Then, once you've been completely dead, I'll follow you and make certain to threaten and kill every trustworthy friend on this planet. Particularly yours." However, by refusing the language, his shadow began to swing faster, and by standing up straight, Codey stretched his right arm aside, while black currents began to fly at his fingers.

"On the verge of defeat? What a hilarious thing to guffaw about." With the dark shadow behind the hurricane and a red sign emerging on top of Codey's forehead and down both arms, Codey appeared to be awful with strength.

"What's the deal? Just because your skin has absorbed such symbols does not make you appear better or more fearful." Codey, on the other hand, shook his head sideways, his hair flapping. "Oh, for real? We could make it out..."

"I just want to giggle at my own beauty and brains. People who feel they are renewing themselves with endless strength are especially vulnerable. I'm not going to commit to catastrophe. However, if you attempt to implant me to do it, it will be your undoing..." The hurricane quickly revealed Codey's whole body, and despite his terror of what Kin saw before him, a smirk emerged on Codey's face.

Codey's hair was blackened out, his eyes were reddish out, and his reddened symbols conquered his both arms as well as his forehead, and the boomerang flew from the side as he caught it in a firm grasp.

With the desire to murder Kin, Codey's body took a step back. "But, let's be honest, this isn't the case. Even if you manage to exhaust my patience... I'll still demolish you down to the bare bones, with only your skeleton still connected." Kin watched Codey building up, and the pulverizing energy continued to rampage externally, while Codey's body squirted forward and under a second, Codey's body stood in front of Kin, readying an attack, thus cutting with his boomerang stunned Kin.

But, with luck, Kin was able to block, resulting in a smile on Codey's face.

"That's all fine, Kinny. Let's get to the point of demolition."

- Hidomari City, Sunday, 1:41 pm -

Kanji swallowed as he turned back, realizing that the building was being reduced to its bare essentials. "This is not acceptable. What the hell is going on?!" Nonetheless, Kanji got in the grasp of watching Ryoko's corpse being crushed by the rocks and the blood spilling out.

"Ryoko!" exclaimed Ryoko. However, as he called out to her, he felt mortal, and a mound of stones fell upon Kanji's body, with no further words said.

- Hidomari City, Sunday, 1:41 pm -

Kylin observed the bone sword flying directly for her head, so she dove, skipped a meter behind, and then swiped her sword forward for a split second.

However, the last strike, which severely decreased Kageyasu's protection, had no further impact, and every maneuver she devised was either shook off or rendered worthless.

Kageyasu chose to vanish from the scene and emerge behind Kylin's back, swinging the heavier bone blade and then spotting Kylin and quickly cutting her blade back, resisting the assault while still being knocked through the wall and onto the outside.

When she realized Kageyasu was following her and prepared for the next assault, she acted fast by turning her body and placing her feet on the wall while sliding down and feeling the scorching shoes that were rapidly losing their soles.

But, disregarding her shoes and focused on her opponent, and realizing that Kageyasu had arrived just in front of her, dropping above her, he quickly slashed and twisted the blade in an attempt to hurt her.

Kylin, however, responded abnormally when she realized she was in danger of losing her life. She broke the wall with her left foot and took advantage of it. She sprang back into the air and backflipped, leaving a trail of purple energy behind her.

"Come on, let's go! Why are we fleeing? I came here to be entertained by fighting and suffering! This has now devolved into a defensive as well as a running game!" Her opponent broke the wall with his foot and flung himself after her, but she quickly grew serious.

"... Fine... Do you want to feel pain? I'll hand it on to you." Kageyasu seemed puzzled after hearing her voice, as Kylin continued to be tossed into the air, balancing her escape from the force while also contemplating focus on her opponent.

When Kageyasu smirked and crossed both of his arms in front of his chest and spun in flight, Kylin positioned the blade securely near to her left hip while the wind continued to blow from behind her owing to her hurled body. On the horizon, sparks squirted from his spin as dual swords formed themselves in sharpness from bones.

The launch was strengthened when it appeared in front of Kylin and smashed with his crossed blades, but When Kylin pushed him back and saw the next move, she immediately pulled her blade from under her left hip and crashed its metal into Kageyasu's bones.

Due to his speed, Kageyasu twirled and released a whirlwind. Kylin, on the other hand, exhaled a frigid, but peaceful breath as purple energy encircled her left foot as it floated through the air.

Her ankle was hit down and lifted as her body flipped through the air, and with her right leg outstretched and her sword still near her hip, she noticed and ignored the whirlwind until the purple electricity began to spark out, speeding up and accelerating, at which point it summoned a massive illusion and body of a purple fox while waving its tails.

"Demolition Drive."

Kylin's basic speed immediately increased to its maximum, while her body discharged a purple wave, and instantaneously... her body vanished from the spot, after a purple thunderbolt struck from the right side of the neck, and a crack was seen.

Kylin's body began to slide through the air while clutching her blade, and by catching her balance and pausing at the proper moment, the bone body that shielded Kageyasu burst into fragments, surprising his eyes.

He observed Kylin in a crouch, once straightening up and sliding her sword into the scabbard on her left hip, turning around, and wearing a white mask on her face by slowly turning around and seeing the purple trail.

"Akusei. The nine-tailed White Fox, the Great Yu Style."

To be continued...