Lord Aldrich

It took Emmelyn a while to accept the fact that she was going to share a chamber with the scummy prince again. She looked at the beautiful big wooden bed that was supposed to be hers alone. 

She hadn't even had time to enjoy this chamber to herself. Last night, Mars slept here with her and now, after just one day, immediately abandoned his plans to have Emmelyn stay in her own place.

The girl massaged her forehead and let out a long sigh. Hmm .. at least she should see the bright side. 

She would not lose this beautiful room. She didn't have to move to another room, but instead, Mars would move here. 

She was already getting used to the bed, the soft sheets, the smooth wooden floor, the beautiful curtains ...

She just had to get used to meeting that perverted man every day.

Hmm .. but it's not that bad either, right? She was deep in thought.