The Spar

"Lord Aldrich, you're not bad," said Gewen with a laugh. He dropped her sword to the ground after Emmelyn broke through his defenses and aimed her sword tip at the man's neck.

"Thank you for your help. Lord Gewen spared me by being so lenient," Emmelyn said as she sheathed her sword.

"Have a drink. You must be tired." Suddenly that distinctive baritone voice rang beside her.

Emmelyn immediately turned her head and found Mars standing next to her, holding up a cup of water. The girl fluttered her lashes in surprise. She didn't expect the crown prince would offer her a drink in front of so many people.

[Is he dumb or something?] She pressed her forehead.

[If he gave me preferential treatment, people would be suspicious.]

[It's common sense. Which apparently he doesn't have.]

Emmelyn was about to refuse the water, but she knew people would be suspicious of her attitude.