Queen Elara Is Disappointed

Mars had been busy thinking about how he could get the pie out of Emmelyn's hand. He even pretended to stumble to have an excuse to drop the pie to the ground until it crumbled, but his plan failed.

He was terrified that Emmelyn put poison in the pie and would kill his mother with it. He couldn't imagine how bad the situation would be if Emmelyn was so desperate and decided to do it. 

Knowing her, Mars really believed that Emmelyn could go that far to get her revenge.

The prince had been thinking of various tactics to get rid of the damn pie after his failed attempt. However, as luck would have it, before he did anything, the box containing the pie fell from Emmelyn's hand when the queen embraced her.

"Oh no... the pie!" exclaimed Mars, faking a concerned voice.

He took the box from the floor and opened the contents. He was very relieved when he saw the pie crumble inside. However, his face looked sad.