Deep Inside His Heart...

"Hm ... well .. we'd better continue with the tea," said the queen with a smile after Lady Preston was gone. She waved her hand, and a servant came to pour the tea back into their cups. "This is Longfell's finest tea. Enjoy!"

For a moment, the atmosphere in the lounge became quiet. No one said anything, just enjoying tea and cakes while observing the garden's beauty. It was still filled with various blooming flowers.

Slowly the atmosphere became more relaxed after Queen Elara asked Lady Athibaud about her children. Lady Athibaud happily chirped about her two daughters, who had just returned from their aunt's estate in the neighboring kingdom.

"They are delighted with the visit and keep talking about their experience at Longfell. Their aunt, Countess Federici, threw a few parties to introduce them to the young lords of Longfell, and it seems that there are many lords and dukes who are interested in my lovely daughters," said Lady Athibaud in a proud voice.