Gewen Is Disappointed

Mars looked like he was about to say something, but at the last moment, he changed his mind. Finally, the man just tilted his head, kissed Emmelyn's lips gently, and turned around to leave.

He almost said that he loved her.

Fortunately, he could stop himself. 

This was not the right moment, he thought. Words were like arrows, once you let them out, you couldn't take them back.

Mars was not ready to complicate their situations when Emmelyn was not yet pregnant with his child.

Once she was, maybe it would be easier to make her see that it would be better for her to let go of her revenge and be with him.

Mars didn't look back at all. He was afraid that if he turned his head to see her one last time, his determination to go to Southberry would waver.

He must not be selfish. His soldiers had trained and prepared themselves for this battle simulation, as had Gewen and Edgar.