Conversation With The Old Witch

"You lived in The Bay of White Whales? Ohh... What brought you all the way to Draec? "Emmelyn asked in a trembling voice.

She had no idea that in such a place far from home, she could meet somebody from her homeland. Her feelings for Mrs. Adler instantly became warmer.

The old woman put her tea on the floor and cast her glance around the hut. She then let out a sigh before answering Emmelyn's question.

"I came here to take care of my old and very sick sister," said Mrs. Adler. "I am indebted to her for taking care of me from childhood when our parents passed away. Unfortunately, the medicines I made couldn't help her, and she passed away last summer. Now I got stuck here."

"Oh ... My condolences for your sister's passing," Emmelyn said. She now understood why this hut looked so ordinary. Apparently, this was Mrs. Adler's sister's house. "Why didn't you come back to Wintermere immediately?"