Back Rubs

"Do you want to rest before dinner?" asked Mars.

Emmelyn nodded. The girl was indeed a little tired after a long day of going out. She even caught a rabbit and cooked it for their lunch. However, the joy that she felt made all the tiredness worth it!

She was also happy that Mars offered to take her out again. Emmelyn felt that the man was starting to understand her.

Thinking about it made the girl's chest filled with warmth again, even though the temperature was already chilly.

Her feelings became mushy. Ahh.. this is bad. Why was she feeling mushy? Did she waver? 

Uff... Emmelyn chided herself. She must not fall in love with the crown prince of the Draec kingdom.

No matter how well Mars treated her, it didn't change the fact that he was her family's enemy. This put her in a difficult position.