Slow Dance

Mars' explanation made sense to the king and he realized that the prince was right.

"So, we should just wait?" The king asked his son. He was disappointed but knew there was nothing they could do.

Mars nodded to confirm. "Yes. I am still very young and don't want to be tied down too. So, I think this works for me at the moment."

King Jared let out a long sigh. "Then, we shouldn't make any announcement about any wedding or future heirs. Let this be your birthday celebration and nothing more."

"I agree, Father," Mars said. "I think we shouldn't let people know that I will have a child until we are really sure he is going to be okay."

"Okay, then." The king's expression looked complicated. A minute ago, he was excited for his future grandchild. However, now he was slapped by the reality that the baby might not survive.