A Package Deal

Emmelyn was startled to hear that question. What did he say? Would she like to have Draec as the exchange?

"Sure, if you can give Draec to me, I'll take it. Hmmph!" Emmelyn replied jokingly and hit him on the chest. The tense atmosphere suddenly turned light. She shook her head and rolled her eyes.

How could this man make fun of her concern? She was serious about ending their agreement and no longer wanting Wintermere.

"Can I keep your word this time?" Mars asked her in his most serious tone. "If I gave you Draec, you will take it? But you have to take me and our children too. We are a package deal."

His seriousness finally snapped Emmelyn back to reality. She stared at him for a few moments. She was at a loss for words.

What did he say again?

He was not joking?

"I-I don't understand what you are talking about," Emmelyn muttered in confusion. "I am serious about not wanting Wintermere anymore."