When Do You Want To Marry Me?

They enjoyed the afterglow for almost ten minutes before they decided that it was time to have dinner.

Mars opened his eyes and smiled broadly. He turned to Emmelyn and rubbed her hair lovingly. "Aren't you hungry? Do you want to eat dinner?"

Emmelyn nodded and then opened her eyes. She moved her face closer and kissed his lips. "I've got my appetizer, but it's not enough. I have to eat a lot for this little one."

Mars felt really happy when he heard her. Gosh! How perfect was this?

He had always been the one asking her to eat and eat, and now he no longer needed to do it. Emmelyn took the initiative to eat more!

He loved this change! Not only did she take initiative in sex, but she also became in tune with things that he wished she would do. He would love to see her finding something to keep her busy indoors and she found sewing.