Visiting The Old Witch

"Thank you so much, Your Highness!" 

One by one, the cooks dropped to their knees and thank Emmelyn profusely. The girl had to force them to rise several times before they finally got back on their feet.

"There, there.. it's all right. I just want to let you know that I am grateful," she said with a smile. "Well, then. That's it. I better leave now. Enjoy your gold. Keep it safe and spend it wisely."

"We'll do, Your Highness..." they all said in unison, between their cries.

"Thank you." Emmelyn nodded in satisfaction and then left the kitchen.

Gosh, she knew they would be happy to receive her gift, but she didn't expect their reaction to be so over the top. Did they never get any gift or thanks before?

She decided to visit Mrs. Adler and brought her some wine, apple pie, and gave her two gold coins as well. She thought the old lady could use it to buy something nice and warm for herself this winter.