Glow Wine (2)

After the servant put the wine jug on the table and two cups, Roshan and the servant bowed down and took their leave. Mars got up and poured the warm wine into their cups and gave one to Emmelyn.

The nice fragrance from the sweet wine wafted in the air. It smelled so great!

Emmelyn licked her lips impatiently while waiting for the cup to be filled half by the prince.

"I hope you like it," Mars said. He clinked his cup to hers and sipped his wine.

Emmelyn nodded excitedly and followed suit. She never heard of glow wine before, but judging from the description and its such a nice smell, she could guess that it must be delicious.

"Oh my god! This is amazing!" she exclaimed after she tasted the glow wine. "Who invented this?"

"I have no idea," Mars said. "We've had it for centuries, I think."