Did You Want To End Our Agreement As Soon As Possible?

Emmelyn was enchanted when she heard his solemn promise. She felt like her life with him was so good.

Well... too good.

It was too good that it scared her.

She was an optimist who had a sunny personality, but she had seen the world and faced tragedy.

She had lost everything before she turned 23 and she couldn't accept that something could be so good in life that there was no catch in it.

Suddenly, she was reminded of that darn prophecy again.

She had buried that thought at the back of her mind and tried not to think about it for days, but now that things were going so well, she couldn't help but think about it again.

"Mars..." She raised her face and looked at him intently. "If... someday, I bring you bad luck... will you still want me?'

The prince was puzzled at the sudden question.

"What do you mean by bad luck?" he asked her to clarify what she meant.