I Think I'll Be Fine. I Have You.

"What are you doing here?"

Emmelyn was startled when she heard the man's voice. Her face paled when she saw Mars was standing in front of her, but her brain quickly came to her senses.

Emmelyn tried to look calm and nonchalant to dispel his suspicion. He must not know that there was someone in the ballroom that Emmelyn knew.

If Mars became suspicious, he would immediately investigate what happened and found out about Killian's identity.

If that happened, even if the crown prince loved Emmelyn, Killian's life would be in danger when Mars found out that he came to wreak havoc in the capital.

After thinking about it for a good while, Emmelyn realized her brother must come to get revenge, even though she was not really sure how he would do it.

If Killian didn't have any bad intentions toward the royal family, he wouldn't pretend not to recognize Emmelyn.