So Many Questions

Emmelyn freaked out when she saw all men were ready with their swords. She was scared to death, thinking that she would witness her brother being murdered in front of her and it immediately triggered the trauma that she thought she had got over.

"Stop!! Drop all your swords!" She shouted frantically. "Or else..."

Mars was shocked when he saw Emmelyn suddenly took out her knife from under her dress and pointed it to her chest, ready to stab herself. Tears were streaming harder from both corners of her eyes.

"Emmelyn..." Mars felt like his soul was yanked out of his body when he saw the glistening knife in her hand.

He was utterly shocked because he didn't know Emmelyn carried her knife within the castle.

Did she intentionally bring her knife because she suspected there would be an altercation?

"Lady Emmelyn..." Mars quickly dropped his sword. It fell to the floor with a clanking sound.