The Hostage Situation

Mars strode in a panic, leaving his father behind. His mind was in a mess. He didn't know that he could feel this scared in his life.

When he reached the room where Killian was locked up earlier, he didn't see the man nor Emmelyn, only the two soldiers who were keeping guard outside the door. They looked terrified.

"What happened?" he asked them furiously. The two soldiers immediately dropped themselves to the ground and begged for forgiveness.

"I am very sorry, Your Highness.  When I came to escort Lady Emmelyn out of the room and lock the door, suddenly the prisoner ambushed me and knocked me to the ground. Then he immediately overpowered Lady Emmelyn and held her hostage," said one soldier whose head was bleeding, obviously from the impact when Killian knocked him to the ground.

"He took the sword from Rob and used it to threaten Lady Emmelyn," said the other soldier to explain the situation more clearly.