Soup For Supper

"Do you want to eat something?" Mars asked Emmelyn to distract her from her sadness. He knew she had not eaten anything from the afternoon. He was hungry too, but he was more worried about her since she was pregnant. "You need to eat something for our baby..."

Emmelyn didn't have any appetite to eat anything, but seeing his worried eyes, she relented and nodded weakly.

"Just.. something simple and small, please.." she said.

Mars rose and smiled. "Okay. I will bring something for you to eat."

He rubbed her shoulder gently, then turned around and left the chamber. He couldn't find any more cooks in the kitchen. It was close to midnight, after all. So, all the servants and cooks must have gone to sleep.

Mars decided to check the table and cupboards to see if there was any food left from dinner that the cooks prepared. He was sure they wouldn't throw away the dishes just because he and Emmelyn didn't eat them.