Breakfast In The Chamber

Mars remembered Emmelyn disliked eating in their chamber. She always insisted that they must eat in the dining room. However, last night and this morning she preferred to eat here.

This must mean that she was feeling so sad and she didn't want to see other people, that she preferred to eat in the chamber, against her usual principle. He hoped that she would rest more while he was away and gained her strength.

He planned to get Mr. Vitas to check up on her again after he returned from the royal palace.

"Your Highness," Roshan bowed down when he saw the crown prince come out of his chamber. It looked like he had been waiting for his master for a while now. "Should I prepare breakfast for Your Highness?"

"Yes." Mars nodded and pointed at the chamber. "However, we will eat inside the chamber. Please just get the food on the tray. I will bring them inside."