Conversation With The King

"Father, where did you hear about the rumors? I am actually very surprised that suddenly Emmelyn became the talk of the capital. I believe she has always been keeping a low profile. She only went out to the royal gala that mother organized."

The king's face looked unhappy when he replied to his son. "Somehow some of your mother's ladies-in-waiting and a few ministers suddenly discussed about her several days ago when you went to Southberry."

"Is that true?" Mars immediately suspected Lady Preston was behind this rumor.

"Yes. So, is that true that she really is a princess from Wintermere?" King Jared asked his son back. "Didn't we annihilate the whole family? So, how could one of their daughters walk around our capital? Did she survive the war?"

Mars couldn't deny this fact. So, he figured, it was better if he came clean to his parents and tried to make them understand his situation.