I Want To Spend This Week With You And Harlow

"I like it," Emmelyn said with a hoarse voice. "It sounds really nice,"

Today, the couple felt how much their child became so real to them, even though Mars and Emmelyn had not seen it with their own eyes. They could already feel it, and now they also had a name for it.

Harlow Strongmoor. Such a wonderful name!

They couldn't wait to meet Harlow.

"Harlow..." Mars lowered his head to touch Emmelyn's tummy and whispered the name gently. "Harlow... We love you."

Maybe it was pure coincidence, maybe the baby could really hear him, but suddenly Emmelyn's stomach moved again.

"Whoa..." Mars chuckled and looked up to Emmelyn. "It looks like Harlow likes the name."

Emmelyn nodded with a smile. "I think so too."

Mars raised his head and kissed her lips tenderly.

He didn't know how else he could show that he loved her so much. He was grateful to have her in his life.