Retail Therapy

"Ahh.. you are right. The king's town is actually quite nice. They have a big market, many restaurants, and shops. I think you will like it. I will take you there tomorrow."

Mars didn't go there often. He mostly just passed through the city to go to the royal palace. However, if Emmelyn wanted to roam the market and the city from end to end, he would gladly accompany her.

"Then, we can go there tomorrow after the funeral," said Emmelyn. She was glad he offered this. It would be good to distract her from her brother's passing.

"Okay, we will do that."

"Can we go without bringing your many guards? Or at least just bring one or two and ask them to watch over from a distance?" Emmelyn asked him when she remembered about the twenty soldiers who followed them earlier when they went to the woods. "I would like to do it low key. If they follow us everywhere, people would immediately know who you are and it might create a commotion."