The Leoraleis Of Myreen

Emmelyn remembered when she was roaming Atlantea, she heard stories about the mysterious kingdom called Myreen that had disappeared for over a century. People said the kingdom was ruled by a very powerful wizard family.

The royal family didn't like living around regular humans from the neighboring kingdoms who were always waging wars, so they decided to go into seclusion and hid their kingdom from the naked eye.

But.. but, Myreen was just a legend, right? She thought it was not a real place...

And, even if it was.... what did Myreen have to do with her? Emmelyn had never been there, never met anyone from there...

This was too weird.

"I've heard about Myreen," Emmelyn said, to Bruinen's surprise. "But I have never met anyone from there. What does it have to do with my 'dark' aura?"

"What dark aura?" The king suddenly asked. He had heard about Emmelyn having a dark aura from Bruinen and now was interested in knowing what it was actually.