Going Back Home For Three Days

Emmelyn was sad again when Lily and her kids left. So, the queen decided to let her invite whomever she wanted to invite to the royal palace. After she thought about it, Emmelyn decided to invite Mrs. Adler.

She had not seen the old witch for weeks after her brother's death. However, Emmelyn didn't feel comfortable hosting a village witch in the royal palace, since she was a guest there herself.

So, she asked the queen's permission if she could return to her castle for one or two days. She missed her home anyway...

Queen Elara understood this. So she let Emmelyn go home for a few days. She thought Emmelyn also needed time for herself. 

"You can take all the time you need," she said. "I plan to invite Lady Chaucer's daughters here. Would you like to meet them?"

Emmelyn nodded. "That will be lovely, Queen Mother. When do you plan to invite them to come?"