The Sad Princess

Emmelyn sat still in her place, thinking about what Mrs. Adler told her. She had no magical powers and didn't know any witch but the old witch sitting across from her now. Magic was a foreign world to her.

If she was really cursed by the Leoraleis, then the only way to get freedom from the curse was to find the family and ask them to lift their curse.

Emmelyn didn't even know how and why she offended them so much to deserve this horrific punishment. She must find out what happened.

But how...?

Emmelyn was currently pregnant with Harlow. Even though she was healthy, she couldn't take risks for her baby. She was a first-time mother and really didn't know what to expect.

Lily had explained to her about some technicalities, but still.. it was different from woman to woman and she had not got her own real-life experience to know it.