How To Get Out Of Here?

Emmelyn cried without a sound for a good while. She felt so angry and sad at the same time. If it was up to her, she would have continued sobbing for longer, but soon, she wiped her tears and steeled her heart.

She realized she had to go if she didn't want the thug to think she was weak and crying. This was not the time to linger and cry about her life. There were so many things that she had to take care of.

But first, she needed to get out of here.

She stood up and looked around her. She was currently in some sort of forest. Where was she? Which area was this? 

She didn't remember how long did she pass out and how far had they traveled from the capital.

Were they actually still in the capital?

She looked up to the sky and judging from the position of the sun, they might have traveled for almost three hours. Well, that was if they immediately left the warehouse.

What if they stayed longer in the warehouse and only left half an hour ago?