Locked Up In The Grey Tower

Emmelyn felt sick to her stomach when she heard from Mr. Vitas about what happened. Anger and deep sadness mixed up in her heart.

All her life, she had never felt emotions as intense as what she had today.  She sobbed uncontrollably and cupped her face with her hands.

Emmelyn thought she had experienced the worst day of her life when she heard about her family's demise. However, she was wrong. She felt even more devastated when Killian died. 

The small glimmer of happiness that she had after she found out that her brother was still alive vanished almost immediately that Emmelyn thought god was playing with her. Killian died on the same day she truly found him again.

And now... the woman that Emmelyn loved as a mother, was brutally killed by Ellena. At this moment, Emmelyn felt so alone and devastated. What would happen to her now?