Emmelyn Is Looking For Help

"Do you really want to go to Draec?" Grandma Isabelle asked Emmelyn with a hoarse voice. She gripped the hem of her dress, and her face looked distraught. She looked like she wanted to say something, but then she changed her mind.

"Yes, Grandma," Emmelyn said with a flat expression. She had thought about this for several days and, finally, she made up her mind to go to Draec and get her revenge. "I don't have a family anymore, I don't have a home and there is nothing to my name. I no longer have anything to live for... but my revenge."

In Emmelyn's opinion, she had got nothing to lose if she went to Draec and tried to kill the king. Even if she failed, at least she would die trying. She would be happy to die and be reunited with her family.

"But you still have us here," said Grandma Isabelle. "You know you can always stay with us."

Emmelyn didn't reply. She didn't have the heart to speak her mind to the old woman.