Conversation With Maxim (2)

"What's the name of the country?" Emmelyn asked again. She wanted to know more about Maxim, her very interesting travel partner. "What about your parents?"

"Oh.. my parents are quite boring too. I have five older sisters. My father really wanted a son, so after five daughters, he decided to get a new wife to get a son since his first wife seemed to fail at the job."

"Oh..." Emmelyn paused eating her meat when she heard Maxim's explanation.

She could guess that Maxim's father remarried and get a son immediately from his second wife. Was it Maxim?

She was reminded of her own mother who gave birth seven times. It must be so tiring, she thought. But at least her mother could produce three sons from the seven births.

"So, your father married your mother to get sons?" Emmelyn could guess the answer, but she asked anyway.