Emmelyn's Request

"Ellena?" Lily furrowed her brows. She didn't understand Emmelyn's request. "Why do you need to talk to her?"

She didn't know Ellena well, but she had heard from her husband that Duke Preston had an adopted daughter, that was very likely his illegitimate daughter from a mistress, who was close to the crown prince.

If Duke Preston took over power while the king was grieving, did his daughter have a good relationship with Emmelyn? She was, after all, the crown prince's friend, right?

Though, for Lily personally, having a woman being friendly to her husband was not something she could tolerate. She didn't believe that man and woman could be friends.

What would they have in common? Men were busied by men's affairs and women would have their own womanly things to do. She didn't see how they could get along without having a romantic feeling for each other.