Gewen And Bruinen Have A Bet

Meanwhile, in a sleepy town called Shadowend, Mars and his men were gathering intelligence about the witch. He sent a spy to find out information about the old woman known as Mrs. Morelli. 

This spy confirmed Ellena's words that Mrs. Morelli did have a house on the top of the cliff.

"She usually comes to town on Saturday to buy some supplies, together with her maid," said the spy. "We can enter her home while she is out."

The spy had gathered the intelligence by talking to the locals. He found that according to the townspeople, the old Mrs. Morelli was a noble lady who lived in Shadowend for almost three decades.

They didn't know her family and just assumed she was from a noble family since she was wealthy and didn't really mingle with the locals. 

Many people from the older generation knew Mrs. Morelli was a reclusive lady who had lived in the mansion by the cliff for a long time.