Defeating The Hydra

Fortunately, when Mars thought he was at a dead-end, help came.

"Hey!!! Watch out! The hydra's head might grow back!" Gewen's voice rang and soon Mars saw his friend dashed with his horse from the west. He came together with a knight holding a torch to light the way.

Mars quickly moved back from the hydra and dashed his horse to approach Gewen. When it saw the enemy retreated, the hydra hissed and slithered after him. 

"It's behind you!" Gewen shouted to his friend. "You can cut the heads, I will pour the eagle's blood on the neck stump to stop the new heads from regrowing."

Right at that moment, Mars noticed the dead eagle tied to the stick on Gewen's hand. His chest immediately felt light. That was such a good idea!

He remembered how his man, whose eye was plucked by the blood-red eagle earlier, suffered a condition like he was attacked by an extremely strong sulphuric acid.