It Is Emmelyn Who Broke The Curse

Thessalis smiled at Elmer and sipped her tea. She was happy to see the old wizard understood that Mars and the witch needed to have this conversation to settle everything that happened between their families.

And only then, they could end this bloody chapter in their lives and moved on.

Thessalis would probably be dead once the conversation ended. And she knew it too. So, it was only fair to give her some time to talk.

Beside, Elmer could see that Mars had so many burning questions that he wanted answers for. That's why he stopped Gewen and Bruinen from interfering.

They only stood close by, ready for anytime the prince would need their help. Right now, things seemed to be under control.

When Thessalis saw Mars walked closer, she raised the other cup and gave it to the man. "As you can see, I drink the same tea and nothing happens to me. You should have tea."

Mars shook his head. "I am not here for tea."