Really, Really Bad News

Mars didn't remember how he got back to the inn. Everything was a blur. His only focus was his mother in the capital. And Emmelyn.

A part of him kept denying the witch's words. The other part was slowly telling himself that it was real, that he had to accept the truth.

Now, he couldn't blame himself enough for leaving. His chest was filled with deep regret and guilt.

Why did he have to leave the capital?

He could have just sent Elmer and the others. The old wizard was a capable man. His knights and Gewen were too.

Why did the prince have to make this mission personal?

Maybe his father was right in being selfish. King Jared took what he wanted and he sent people to do his dirty jobs. All the killing, war-waging, and whatnot. He managed everything from his golden throne in the royal palace.

Mars was too soft and he took many things to heart. He made this problem with the Bellevars and grudge toward Thessalis as his life goal to deal with.