A Cabin In The Woods

Mrs. Adler took out a small package from the coachman seat and gave it to Emmelyn who was sitting on the back. The old wagon was filled with hay and baskets of vegetables to help with their disguise.

If the two women were stopped by soldiers, or if they met nosy people, Mrs. Adler and Emmelyn could just say that they were farmers trying to sell their vegetables to the nearest town.

Emmelyn sat down on the hay, where an old blanket was spread to make it comfortable. She was leaning her back on one of the vegetable baskets. Her body shivered from the cold.

The air was chilly because it was already midnight at the end of spring. 

She took a long deep breath several times as she thought about her freedom.

It felt weird to be sitting on a wagon like this after living a life of opulence in the crown prince's castle. Everything there was beautiful and comfortable. Now, she was sitting on a hard wooden floor lined with hay and an old blanket.